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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية Romantic Novels Fourm، روايات رومانسية اجنبية

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قديم 20-02-16, 11:08 AM   المشاركة رقم: 236
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Passion from the Past
by Carole Mortimer

Novel Link

She had fallen for him at first sight...
When Laura learned she was to work for the handsome Gideon Maitland, she was overwhelmed. Since she was a very junior secretary, he would never otherwise have noticed her.
But he had more than seen her. He desired her "I just hope you don't get hurt," her mother had warned.
Gideon, Laura discovered, was a complex man whose motives defied analysis. She had given him her heart and soul before she realized her attraction for him was revenge!



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 20-02-16, 11:14 AM   المشاركة رقم: 237
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Secret Passion
by Carole Mortimer

Novel link

"I'm not going to lose you, now that I've found you."

Aura knew that she and James Ballantine could have something special going for them. But falling in love with him was a risk she couldn't allow herself to take. James had been disillusioned in the past. He needed a woman who had a spotless reputation, not one smirched with scandal like Aura. Somehow she must call a halt before matters went too far. But it seemed it was already too late ...



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17-03-16, 12:09 AM   المشاركة رقم: 238

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 37968
المشاركات: 5
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: howra_al3ion عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 11



howra_al3ion غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية





عرض البوم صور howra_al3ion   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-04-16, 06:40 PM   المشاركة رقم: 239
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Carole Mortimer - Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced #3)


Taken by the Earl
Regency Unlaced #3
Carole Mortimer

Novel link

After attending the wedding of one of her closest friends, and celebrating the betrothal of another, Mrs. Felicity Randall is looking forward to spending a peaceful summer at her house in the country. Several months when she may do and say as she wishes, without having to constantly be aware of her place in London Society as the respectable young widow of Major Stephen Randall.

But before Fliss can manage her escape to the country, she overhears a conversation in which two people discuss the murder of the new Earl of Winterbourne. Unable to see or identify either the man or the woman from her hiding place, but aware of where the murder is to take place, Fliss finds her plans for the summer changed completely, and requiring she procure an invitation to the infamous house party hosted every summer by the notorious Lady Eccles.
A house party at which no respectable widow would normally dare to show her face.

Sinclair Montgomery has no time or patience for London society, as it had no tolerance for his mother so many years ago when she eloped with her Scottish Highlander, Sin’s own father. But when Sin unexpectedly inherits the title of the Earl of Winterbourne, he has no choice but to go to England to view his new estates.
It was certainly not his intention, once there, to find himself the guest at a summer house party. Although the rumors of debauchery and licentious behavior to be had there were certainly enough to pique his interest.

Finding the beautiful Mrs. Felicity Randall waiting for him in his bedchamber the second night of his stay, leads Sin to believe that perhaps all is not lost after all, and he proceeds to make love to the delicate beauty. Until she informs him the only reason she came to his bedchamber, has attended this house party at all, is to warn him his life is in danger.
That there is a plot afoot to murder him whilst he is there.
Sin has only been in England a matter of days, certainly not long enough to have antagonized anyone into wishing to murder him, and leading him to wonder if the poor woman can possibly be deranged.
It would be a great pity if that were to be the case, when the sex.ual attraction between the two of them is instantaneous and highly combustible…



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-04-16, 06:54 PM   المشاركة رقم: 240
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Novels By Carole Mortimer - Alpha Series 7 + 8


Carole Mortimer
Alpha Series 7 + 8

Novels link

Rogue Alpha (ALPHA #7)
Rogue Alpha is the 7th story in the bestselling Alpha Series.
Diana is convinced someone broke into her Paris apartment. Just as she believes someone is now following her. The police don’t believe her, and the only person she can turn to for help is Seth Armstrong. Seth works for Grayson Security, and was the man who rescued her eight months ago, after she was kidnapped and a ransom demanded for her safe return.
Seth has absolutely no idea who the beautiful redhead is when she accosts him in a London bar one evening, demanding he kiss her and look as if he’s enjoying it. He’s happy to oblige, of course. Only to discover he enjoys kissing her a little too much.
Because Diana Moore isn’t what she seems. In fact, Seth’s not sure she isn’t suffering from some sort of emotional breakdown after what happened to her eight months ago.
Whatever Diana’s problem is, Seth can’t just abandon her when she asks for his help. Can he?

Savage Alpha (ALPHA #8)
Who does Lily go to for help when a fan’s admiration turns to a dangerous obsession?
Her four older brothers are the obvious choice, especially when they own and run Knight Security. But Lily has fought long and hard for her independence from her family, and for her career as an actress. She certainly doesn’t want one of her brothers—or possibly all four of them—wading in with their usual arrogance and taking over her life again.



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
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