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قديم 22-12-08, 07:49 PM   المشاركة رقم: 46

عضو في منظمة Revolution

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 63936
المشاركات: 6,040
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: sofeya عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطsofeya عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 103



sofeya غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : sofeya المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


ولكم ياعمررري انتي تنوري باي وقت



عرض البوم صور sofeya  
قديم 24-12-08, 08:22 PM   المشاركة رقم: 47

عضو في منظمة Revolution

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 63936
المشاركات: 6,040
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: sofeya عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطsofeya عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 103



sofeya غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : sofeya المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


Words of December

word of December 31st, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: dullards

شخص غبي meaning: A person regarded as mentally dull; a stupid person


David was always a quiet, orderly boy and for a long time was thought by the people of Winesburg to be something of a dullard
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word of December 30th, 2008

part of speech: noun

الصداقة بين الامم meaning: Friendship; friendly relations, especially between nations


The two groups had lived in perfect amity for many years before the recent troubles
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word of December 29th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

ممل؛ يفتقر الخيال meaning: lacking interest, imagination and variety; boring


If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'

He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight - I told him the prosaic truth that I'd banged my head on a door

other related forms
prosaical: adjective
prosaicness: noun
prosaically: adverb
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word of December 28th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

بأنواع عديدة مختلفة meaning: of many different types


The newspaper report detailed the fraudster's multifarious business activities

This company is known for its successful multifarious business activities

other related forms
multifariousness: noun
multifariously: adverb
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word of December 27th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

سخي جدا meaning: very generous in giving


Thanks to a number of munificent benefactors, the charity was able to brighten the holidays for many families

She received a munificent sum for her services

A former student has donated a munificent sum of money to the college

other related forms
munificence: noun
munificentness: noun
munificently: adverb
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word of December 26th, 2008

part of speech: verb
يُؤَكِّد صِحَّة other verb forms: vouches, vouched, vouching

meaning:to affirm or certify someone or something to be true, genuine, or correct ; guarantee


Will you vouch for the truth of the statement

When Blake's parents asked him why his sister had missed school, he vouched for her because he knew she had been sick in the morning

I'll vouch for the quality of the report. I read it last night

Patricia has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy of the information

The witness vouched for the defendant's honesty
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word of December 25th, 2008

alma mater
part of speech: noun

meaning: a school, college, or university that one has attended
المدرسة، الجامعة او الكلية التي ارتادها الشخص


Tonight we will hear the choir of my parents' alma mater perform Handel's Messiah
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word of December 24th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

بارد جدا meaning: Very cold; icy


After only a few minutes in the gelid wind, they were shivering too hard to speak

The weather is gelid on a recent Thursday night--so uninviting that it's hard to imagine anyone venturing out

other related forms
gelidity: noun
gelidness: noun
gelidly: adjective
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word of December 23rd, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: homebodies

meaning: One whose interests center on the home


He was not merely a homebody, but a true agoraphobic who lived in fear of the outside world
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word of December 22nd, 2008

part of speech: adjective

إجْماعي meaning: having, or showing, complete agreement


The whole school was unanimous in its approval of the headmaster's plan

The proposal was approved by a unanimous vote

The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation

After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal

The new format has unanimous support and could be introduced next season

other related forms
unanimousness: noun
unanimity: noun
unanimously: adjective
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word of December 21st, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: concocts, concocted, concocting

يَخْتَلِق، يُعِدُّ حِساءً بالمَزْج meaning: to prepare by combining various ingredients


I've concocted a new drink for you to try.

The child concocted a story about having been attacked

He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients

In order to use up all the leftovers in her refrigerator, Kirsten concocted a one-of-a-kind stew that turned out to be surprisingly tasty

other related forms
concoction: noun
concoctive: adjective
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word of December 20th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

مَيْسور، غَني، ذو خَيْرٍ وفير meaning: having or showing much wealth


We visited an historic house that is full of opulent furnishings

They lived in opulent surroundings

Hollywood actresses wear evening dresses in opulent fabrics

other related forms
opulence: noun
opulently: adverb
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word of December 19th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

يدوي meaning: done with or operated by hands/ requiring or using physical skill and energy


She tried to cure the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint

He still works on an old manual typewriter

When we volunteered to help build a house for an area family, we spent the day carrying boards, driving nails, and other kinds of manual labor

Hundreds of manual workers will lose their jobs as a result of company cutbacks

Computer-controlled robots are taking over manual jobs in many industries

other related forms
manually: adverb
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word of December 18th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: vagrants

مُتَشَرِّد meaning: a person who is poor and does not have a home or job; a tramp


When things started disappearing from their backyard, they began to suspect the vagrant who had recently been roaming the streets

The town has shelters and food handouts for vagrants

other related forms
vagrantness: noun
vagrant: adjective
vagrantly: adverb
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word of December 17th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: varies, varied, varying

يَتَنَوَّع، يَخْتَلِف meaning: differ; to make, be or become different


Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state

The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable

The orchestra varied last night's program with one new selection

The age at which children are ready to read varies

The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season

His moods vary depending on the weather

These apples vary in size from small to medium

other related forms
variation: noun
varyingly: adverb
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word of December 16th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

يُسبب النعاس meaning: causing sleep or making a person want to sleep


The soporific effect of the heat made him quickly fall asleep

After dinner, Owen sank onto the couch by the fireplace and -- succumbing to the soporific effect of his full belly and the comfortable surroundings -- quickly fell asleep

His voice had an almost soporific effect

other related forms
soporifically: adverb
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word of December 15th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: harries, harried, harrying

يُؤلِم، يُزْعِج، يُضايِق meaning: to harass, annoy, or torment by or as if by repeated attacks


Seven-year-old Kaitlyn harried her little sister with pokes, hair pulling, and teasing, badgering her until she burst into tears

He was harried by constant doubts

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
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word of December 14th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: imputes, imputed, imputing

يعزو إلى meaning: to say that someone is responsible for something that has happened, or that something is the cause of something else


They imputed the error to the lawyer who was handling her case

They imputed the rocket failure to a faulty gasket

The children imputed magical powers to the old woman

The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness

Keller, why does your article impute things to my father without the slightest foundation?

other related forms
imputable: adjective
imputive: adjective
imputively: adverb
imputiveness: noun
imputedly: adverb
imputer: noun
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word of December 13th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: runnels

جدول meaning: A small stream; a brook


He could tell from the impression carved into the landscape that the runnel's flow had drifted a few feet to the north
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word of December 12th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: gambols, gambolled, gambolling

يَثِبُ، يَقْفِزُ مَرَحا meaning: to run and jump in a happy and playful way


Lambs were gambolling (about/around) in the spring sunshine.

Then he ran back to the shed pulling the playful young horse, who wanted to gambol all over the yard, by the rein
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word of December 11th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: grangers

مزارع meaning: A person who operates a farm; farmer


Their lands had been bought long ago, and the grangers moved to the city to find work as manual laborers
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word of December 10th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: consigns, consigned, consigning

يَعْهَد إلى meaning: To give over to the care of another; entrust


She consigned her daughters to the care of their aunt and took an extended vacation to Africa.

The little boy was consigned to his grandmother's care

Many older people feel they have been consigned to the medical scrapheap

related forms
consignation: noun
consignable: adjective
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word of December 9th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: filches, filched, filching

يَخْتَلِس، يَسْرِقُ شيئا قَليل meaning: to steal something of little value


Who has filched my pen?

Jack used to filch ashtrays from fancy restaurants.

Who has filched my pencils?

related forms
filcher: noun
filchingly: adveb
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word of December 8th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: piques, piqued, piquing

يُغضِب meaning: to arouse anger or resentment in


My brother's teasing and poking finally piqued me so much that I lost my temper and threw my math book at him

She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation

related forms
pique: noun
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word of December 7th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: roasts, roasted, roasting

يَشْوي meaning: to cook food in an oven or over a fire


It's a family tradition of ours to roast chestnuts this time of year, and the smell of them roasting is one of my favorite things about the season

Just roast the chicken in the oven and baste it in oil and lemon

The beef was roasting in the oven

related forms
roast: adjective
roasted: adjective
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word of December 6th, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: quivers, quivered, quivering

يَهْتَز meaning: to shake slightly, often because of strong emotion


People in the audience quivered with excitement as they waited for the sculpture to be unveiled

Lennie's bottom lip quivered and tears started in his eyes

The leaves quivered in the breeze

related forms
quiveringly: adverb
quiverer: noun
quivery: adjective
quiver: noun
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word of December 5th, 2008

part of speech: noun
plural form: cruxes, cruces

عُقدَه، صُلْب الموضوع، النُقطة الحاسِمـه meaning: the most important point


After beating around the bush for a while, Cameron finally got to the crux of his argument

The crux of the country's economic problems is its foreign debt

The issue of an arms embargo will be at the crux of the negotiations in Geneva

The crux of the trial was his whereabouts at the time of the murder

That is the crux of the matter
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word of December 4th, 2008

part of speech: adjective

جَدير بالثَّناء meaning: worthy of praise


It is, no doubt, a very laudable effort, in modern teaching, to render as much as possible of what the young are required to learn, easy and interesting to them

The recycling programme is laudable, but does it save much money

Reorganizing the files was a laudable idea

related forms
laudably: adverb
laudatory: noun
laudableness: noun
laudability: noun
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word of December 3rd, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: stints, stinted, stinting

يخصص او يأخذ جزءا قليلا من شيء meaning: to provide, take or use only a small amount of something


The bride's parents did not stint on the champagne - there was plenty for everyone

Don't stint yourself - take another slice of cake
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word of December 2nd, 2008

part of speech: verb
other verb forms: laments, lamented, lamenting

يَنوحُ ، يَبْكي على meaning: to express sorrow for


The poem opens by lamenting (over) the death of a young man

My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society

Mr.s Johnson lamented the absence of her son who is studying abroad

We all lament his death; He sat lamenting over his past failures

He lamented his thoughtless acts

related forms
lament: noun
lamentation: noun
lamenter: noun
lamentingly: adverb
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word of December 1st, 2008

part of speech: noun

شخص صغير الحجم و محبوب meaning: a person who is notably small and often endearing


Timmy is such a sweet little munchkin and everyone loves to tickle him and tell him what a darling baby he is



عرض البوم صور sofeya  
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