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شرح البرامج الخاصة بالاورغات والعزف شرح البرامج الخاصة بالاورغات والعزف

Pattern Piano - Original Course - Video

Pattern Piano - Original Course - Video Description: Would you like to be able to learn how to play the Piano or Keyboard BY EAR?

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قديم 18-11-08, 05:11 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
دينمو البرامج الحديثة

التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 188
المشاركات: 686
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: Cubase عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 20

البلدRussian Federation


Cubase غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : شرح البرامج الخاصة بالاورغات والعزف
Jded Pattern Piano - Original Course - Video


Pattern Piano - Original Course - Video

Pattern Piano Original Course Video

Description: Would you like to be able to learn how to play the Piano or Keyboard BY EAR? It's possible! In fact, with these online Piano lessons, YOU can do it TODAY.
You can learn to play the Piano by ear without the need for written sheet music using the revolutionary technique of "Rhythmic PATTERNS". For those who have had standard Piano lessons, this is brand new information. But it really is no secret... guitar players have been doing this for years. They learn a few simple strumming PATTERNS plus a few chords and they're enjoying music right away!
In this online demonstration, you'll get a chance to HEAR the rhythmic patterns technique in action. First, I'll play one simple rhythmic Pattern on the Piano for you in three places - Up high, Midway up and Down low on the keyboard.
You'll quickly hear that although this Pattern is being played in different places on the keyboard, it sounds the same. And you're totally right - each Rhythmic Pattern is played in exactly the same way in any location on the keyboard!
Immediately, we'll move into some Piano music and play an entire song with just this one simple pattern. Sound like your old Piano lessons? No way!
Next, we'll learn a second Pattern and play the same song again - this time however, we'll alternate patterns one and two for a unique sound. Suddenly, you have some variety as you play the piano! The key here is that you'll soon be able to mix and match all these patterns to come up with your own unique musical sound.
As the Piano lessons online begin to progress, you'll simply learn many more patterns, and learn to mix and match them - any way you like - to create fantastic arrangements of any song - BY EAR!
Once you've got an arsenal of patterns under your hands, you'll be ready to move into the Online Advanced Piano Lessons. These lessons feature "Style Development", or learning to create different styles using specific voicings, riffs and patterns that are unique to each style. Our Blues Piano Lessons section is one of the most popular sites on the net for those wanting to learn to play.
Wow - and you thought Piano lessons were boring? Get ready - you're about to enter a whole new musical world. Audio and Video clips included.


Pass : no-limit-project.com



التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Cubase ; 18-11-08 الساعة 05:24 PM
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