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Sibelius 5

:besm8dg4: اليكم البرنامج الجميل والرائع في كتابة النوتة في نسخته الأخيرة Sibelius 5 Description The fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music is now even better!

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قديم 18-10-08, 12:10 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
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معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Jded Sibelius 5


اليكم البرنامج الجميل والرائع في كتابة النوتة في نسخته الأخيرة
Sibelius 5

The fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music is now even better!
Whatever your musical style, Sibelius 5 makes writing scores a breeze - giving you more time to focus on the music. Stunning new features like Panorama mean you don't need to think about pages while you're composing or arranging. You can just let you creativity flow. Ideas Hub is a real first for music software. It lets you instantly capture your musical ideas, and then find them again in a second - so you'll never lose another idea. Plus new, high-quality, built-in sounds play back your scores with astounding realism, because there's no better way to perfect your music than by hearing it.
You can create audio files which can be converted to MP3s or burned to CD, produce instrumental parts effortlessly, compose for video, sell your music online and do hundreds of other things you might never have dreamed of.
Write and refine music easily
Sibelius is so easy to learn and use that you can start writing your first piece within minutes – not days! Discover the joys of writing music with a program that's simple and intuitive. And, of course, being able to change your music in the blink of an eye - no more rubbing out!
Hear your music
The easiest way to perfect your music is by hearing it. Just click the play button in Sibelius to hear your music performed with surprising realism, thanks to the built-in Sibelius Sounds Essentials library. Sibelius reads, understands and plays back all standard markings, and you can buy extra sound libraries for choral music, world music and more.
Print beautiful scores
The world's largest sheet music publishers use Sibelius to produce the music you see in the shops. Now you can create the same standard of print-out. And with Sibelius, it's just so easy.
Instrumental parts that magically update
Sibelius makes producing instrumental parts a joy. In fact, when you start your score, the parts are already there. You can flick between them using a simple drop-down. When you make a change to the full score, the relevant parts are automatically updated, and vice versa.
Never lose another ideaIdeas are precious. That's why Sibelius 5 gives you the Ideas Hub - the easy way to capture, tag, find and bring together your musical ideas. With Ideas Hub, you'll never let another flash of inspiration slip by again.
As well as your own ideas, Ideas Hub comes preloaded with over 2000 ready-made ideas. They cover all styles of music and help provide useful inspiration for your compositions.
Universal Binary
As usual, Sibelius 5 supports the very latest technologies. It's now a Universal Binary application, so it runs at top speed on Intel-based Macs. You can use it on the new Leopard operating system (Mac OS X 10.5), and it also has improved tab, mouse and scroll wheel support.
Computer Requirements
Windows: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista, 350 MB hard disk space, 512MB+ RAM recommended, DVD-ROM drive.
Mac: Mac OS X 10.4 or later, 350 MB hard disk space, 512MB+ RAM recommended, DVD-ROM drive.

وهذه روابط اخرى للبرنامج مع التحديث
Sibelius 5.1 Update English Windows+Key+Sound Set Editor Sibelius
The fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music is now even better. Whatever your musical style, Sibelius 5 makes writing scores a breeze - giving you more time to focus on the music. Stunning new features like Panorama mean you donТt need to think about pages while youТre composing or arranging. You can just let
you creativity flow. Ideas Hub is a real first for music software. It lets you instantly capture your musical ideas, and then find them again in a second - so youТll never lose another idea. Plus new, high-quality, built-in sounds play back your scores with astounding realism, because thereТs no better way to perfect your music than by hearing it.
You can create audio files which can be converted to MP3s or burned to CD, produce instrumental parts effortlessly, compose for video, sell your music online and do hundreds of other things you might never have dreamed of.
Write and refine music easily Sibelius is so easy to learn and use that you can start
writing your first piece within minutes Ц not days! Discover the joys of writing music with a program that's simple and intuitive. And, of course, being able to change your music in the blink of an eye - no more rubbing out!
Hear your music The easiest way to perfect your music is by hearing it. Just
click the play button in Sibelius to hear your music performed with surprising realism, thanks to the built-in Sibelius Sounds Essentials library. Sibelius reads, understands and plays back all standard markings, and you can buy extra sound
libraries for choral music, world music and more.
Print beautiful scores The worldТs largest sheet music publishers use Sibelius to
produce the music you see in the shops. Now you can create the same standard of print-out. And with Sibelius, itТs just so easy. Instrumental parts that magically update Sibelius makes producing instrumental parts a joy. In fact, when you start your score,the parts are already there. You can flick between them using a simple drop-down. When you make a change to the full score, the relevant parts are automatically updated, and vice versa. Never lose another idea Ideas are precious. ThatТs why Sibelius 5 gives you the Ideas Hub - the easy way to capture, tag, find and bring together your musical ideas. With Ideas Hub, youТll never let another flash of inspiration slip by again. As well as your own ideas,
Ideas Hub comes preloaded with over 2000 ready-made ideas.
They cover all styles of music and help provide useful inspiration for your compositions. Publish, or sell, your music online As well as printed music, Sibelius publishes beautifully online, too. You can create web versions of scores which can
be viewed by anyone using the free Scorch web browser plug-in.
And you can easily start selling your scores online via SIbeliusMusic.com. What's new DonТt get left behind - upgrade to the most exciting new version yet. Sibelius 5 represents the latest advance in the worldТs favorite music software. WeТve listened to what Sibelius users have been asking for, and have spent many months adding fantastic enhancements for writing music, the latest technologies such as VST & Audio Units, and completely new features, such as the Ideas Hub.Whether you use Sibelius for writing music, teaching or just for fun, donТt be afraid of getting up-to-date. Sibelius 5 is better and easier than ever, and once youТve tried it youТll be glad you made the change!Ideas Hub Ideas are precious. That's why Sibelius 5 gives you the Ideas Hub - the easy way to capture, tag, find and bring together your musical ideas. With Ideas Hub, youТll never let another flash of inspiration slip by again. As well as your own ideas, Ideas Hub comes preloaded with over 2000 ready-made ideas. They cover all styles of music and help
provide useful inspiration for your compositions. Stunning new built-in sounds Sibelius 5 comes with Sibelius Sounds Essentials as standard Ц a 2GB collection of sounds selected from top-name libraries such as Garritan Personal Orchestra, Garritan Jazz & Big Band, Garritan Concert & Marching Band, and Tapspace Virtual
Drumline. VST & Audio Units support A huge variety of VST and Audio Unit instruments are available from numerous manufacturers Ц and now Sibelius 5 can play back using any of them! So you can hear your scores played back by
the worldТs most advanced sound libraries.Panorama Panorama is a new, clearer way of viewing music in Sibelius.
Instead of being chopped up into systems and pages, the music is shown in a single, infinitely-wide strip Ц far easier to read and navigate around. So now you can just think about the notes, and forget about page layout until youТre ready to
print. Easy cues & instrument changes Creating cues in parts is now the work of a moment. Just copy the music you want to appear in the cue, and choose Paste As
Cue. Sibelius 5 does the rest for you. And changing instruments on a score is now equally simple. Complete layout control Sibelius 5 also offers users complete and easy layout control, covering bar and page numbering, blank pages, sheet music
margins and more Ц making it easier than ever to produce beautiful scores. Power tools & undoable plug-ins Incredible new hand written-style fonts, chord symbols, note names, functional analysis, early music and avant garde symbols, new plug-ins with undoЕ Sibelius 5 has it all. Note: We couldn't deliver the full installer with all ******* without slightly breaching 0day size rules, so it's up to the nukers...
1) Run iNstall.msi to install
2) Use BLESSiNG.exe to generate a serial and registration number
rarpass: ssopov_vstclub



عرض البوم صور سامي شمس   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 18-10-08, 05:44 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضو فخري
عميد المنتدى

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



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كاتب الموضوع : سامي شمس المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
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