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قديم 21-01-08, 01:06 AM   المشاركة رقم: 211
ليلاس متألق

التسجيل: Jun 2007
العضوية: 30894
المشاركات: 743
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: كل الأمل العربي عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 23



كل الأمل العربي غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : شهووده المنتدى : منتدى الطلبات


هادي اول مره ازور المنتدى ممكن أطلب كلمات اغنية
وتقبلوا تحياتي و....... ^ـــ*



عرض البوم صور كل الأمل العربي  
قديم 21-01-08, 01:23 AM   المشاركة رقم: 212
سندريلا ليلاس

التسجيل: Aug 2006
العضوية: 11023
المشاركات: 5,556
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: darla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عالي
نقاط التقييم: 758



darla غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : شهووده المنتدى : منتدى الطلبات


اقتباس :-   المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كل الأمل العربي مشاهدة المشاركة
هادي اول مره ازور المنتدى ممكن أطلب كلمات اغنية
وتقبلوا تحياتي و....... ^ـــ*

و لا يهمك يا غالية


When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Sway me, make me
Thrill me, hold me
Bend me, ease me
You have a way with me

Sway with me
Sway (sway) (Sway)

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak
I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Sway me
Sway me
Sway me now



عرض البوم صور darla  
قديم 21-01-08, 05:12 PM   المشاركة رقم: 213
سيدة الرعاة

التسجيل: Nov 2007
العضوية: 54373
المشاركات: 2,373
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Loren عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



Loren غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : شهووده المنتدى : منتدى الطلبات


هذه الاغنية الاولى.........

بالكوري ........

01 십년이 지나도 - 송승헌
보이지 않아도 너를 느낄 수가 있어서
니 사랑도 니 행복도
결국 내가 또 너를 배웅하네
서운하게 서운하게 이러기니
아무 말도 없이 떠나가는게
미워하고 미워하게 매일 기도하지만
내내 너만 떠올라

십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
천년이 지나도 나는 너를 못잊어
십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
너를 기다리는게 내겐 가장 쉬운 일이니까

안부라도 안부라도 막연하게
혹시 전해질까 기도하지만
미워하고 미워하게 매일 기도하지만
내내 너만 떠올라

십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
천년이 지나도 나는 너를 못잊어
십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
너를 기다리는게 내겐 가장 쉬운 일이니까

사랑할 시간이 너무 모자랐던 우리 그때
지우고 또 지워도 넌 아직 남아있는데

도대체 어쩌란 말야 내가 참 미련한거야
다시는 안오는거야 바보처럼 기다릴꺼란 말야

십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
천년이 지나도 나는 너를 못잊어
십년이 지나도 백년이 지나도
너를 기다리는게
너 하나 기다리는 게
웃고 있어도 되려 눈물이 나

بالانجليزي ..... اتمنى يكونو اغاني المسلسل

010 years pass but - Song monk it broke
It will not be visible and and there is a possibility ni love ni happiness finally I do also extensive boat Oong and to be sorry departs le is long anyone end sorry and without to hate it hates and everyday attempt but the inside inside your bay it rises, Ten years pass but hundred pass but pass but millennium me it will be extensive and it does not forget and ten years pass but hundred pass but and to inside keyn most it is easy one Welfare welfare it is vague and maybe electrolytic peeling attempt but it hates and it hates and everyday attempt but the inside inside your bay it rises, Ten years pass but hundred pass but pass but millennium me it will be extensive and it does not forget and ten years pass but hundred pass but and to inside keyn most it is easy one Our that times when the hour when it will love lacks too much it erases and also it erases and it spreads out and and the place where it is remaining still In the world U cce the end which is Oh! I will not come truth lingering retired life Oh! again and well! Oh! like the fool i will wait and to put out the end which is Oh! Ten years pass but hundred pass but the millennium passes but me it will be extensive and it does not forget and ten years pass but hundred pass but and if to your one it waits to it is laughing and a tear B



عرض البوم صور Loren  
قديم 21-01-08, 05:16 PM   المشاركة رقم: 214
سيدة الرعاة

التسجيل: Nov 2007
العضوية: 54373
المشاركات: 2,373
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Loren عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



Loren غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : شهووده المنتدى : منتدى الطلبات


اغنية 2 :


몇번을 헤어져도 - 김희선

나머지 삶을 다 쓸게
오래된마음 말할께
몇번을 헤어져도 다시 볼거야

*운명은 잊지않고서 우리를 데려갈텐데
같은날 같은곳에 묶어줄텐데

따라온 이별은 끊고
너에게 무릎을 꿇고
처음부터 오직 너였어
나에 모든사랑을 *

아는지 병든 슬픔을 아는지

언제나 너를 가졌다 믿어도

너에 사랑을...


If it separates some time, - Kim huy the line
All it sweeps a remaining life and if old mind it will talk to it separates some time, the ball well! Oh! * The fate will not forget and us and and to tie in the same place from not to be it will take away theyn the place same day, theyn the place This star which it comes with to cut off and the knee bend in you and from first only, in me to be you all loves * Know, get sick and know, It will be extensive always and it has and it believes and and it cannot have the love.. In you love...



عرض البوم صور Loren  
قديم 21-01-08, 05:21 PM   المشاركة رقم: 215
سيدة الرعاة

التسجيل: Nov 2007
العضوية: 54373
المشاركات: 2,373
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Loren عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



Loren غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : شهووده المنتدى : منتدى الطلبات


اغنية 3 :


몇번을 헤어져도 - 연정훈
나머지 삶을 다 쓸게,,,
오래된마음 말할께
몇번을 헤어져도 다시 볼거야,,,

*운명은 잊지않고서 우리를 데려갈텐데,
같은날 같은곳에 묶어줄텐데

따라온 이별은 끊고
너에게 무릎을 꿇고
처음부터 오직 너였어
나에 모든사랑을,,,*

아는지 병든 슬픔을 아는지

언제나 너를 가졌다 믿어도

너에 사랑을,,,


If it separates some time

All it sweeps a remaining life and if, old mind it will talk to it separates some time, the ball well! Oh!,, * The fate will not forget and us and and to tie in the same place from not to be it will take away theyn the place, same day, theyn the place This star which it comes with to cut off and the knee bend in you and from first only, in me to be you all loves,, * Know, get sick and know, It will be extensive always and it has and it believes and and it cannot have the love,, In you love,,



عرض البوم صور Loren  

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