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LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a - Full Version

اليكم احبة ليلاس هذا البرنامج الجميل به أصوات كثيرة وجميلة CronoX mixes up your samples in realtime like no other instrument. If you start with a

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قديم 21-09-08, 03:40 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
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معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Top LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a - Full Version


LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a Full Version
اليكم احبة ليلاس هذا البرنامج الجميل به أصوات كثيرة وجميلة
LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a Full Version

LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a Full Version
LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a Full Version
CronoX mixes up your samples in realtime like no other instrument. If you start with a kick sample you may end up with getting a fascinating pad from it, and you should not be astonished to get some punchy drums just
from your vocal samples. Its CronoX, samples are only food for its versatile and unique engines.

[color=yellow][LIST][*]Versatile architecture with 4 generators and 2 filters.[*]Analogue-modeled Oscillator Generator[*]Time-Sampler with independent real-time, modulateable time-stretching and pitch-shifting.[*]Wavetable (Schrader) Generator that offers wavetable operation using any sample.[*]Loop Sampler Generator, capable of loading up to 64 samples.[*]Loop Sampler Generator individually modulatable loop-points and start-point.[*]Easy-Edit panel allowing preset browsing and quick access to main synthesis parameters.[*]Free Filter with unique, continuously adjustable and modulatable filter-type.[*]Powerful, editable arpeggiator with up to 32 steps.[*]Stereo and 5.1 support with powerfull 5.1 mixer[*]Sampler Generators support audio formats including WAV and AIFF up to 24bit/96kHz.[*]2 analog-style multimode stereo filters[*]7 ADSFR-type envelopes for various purposes[*]4 LFOs with various waveforms and midi-sync capabilities.[*]LFOs are programmeable in almost any aspectModulation Matrix with 10 routings, 30 modulation sources and 56 destinations.[*]Recognizes Velocity, Aftertouch, Pitchbend, Modwheel etc[*]“MIDI Learn” function for easy controller assignment.[*]6 simultaneously available multi effect units Mono/Polyphonic adjustable Portamento/Glide[*]32-voice polyphony (CPU dependent), sample-accurate, settings are saved with the song.[/LIST] LinPlug CronoX V3.5.a Full Version

Download : 1.1 Gb
Password : effixd for delirium



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