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Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX Expansion for EZ Drummer

اليكم أحبة ليلاس هذا البلانغ انز لا عب ايقاع به العديد من الدرمز والريتمات Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX Expansion for EZ Drummer The Vintage Rock EZX uses TPC, Toontrack

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قديم 19-09-08, 12:15 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Top Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX Expansion for EZ Drummer


Toontrack Vintage Rock Expansion Drummer

اليكم أحبة ليلاس هذا البلانغ انز لا عب ايقاع به العديد من الدرمز والريتمات
Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX Expansion for EZ Drummer

Toontrack Vintage Rock Expansion Drummer
The Vintage Rock EZX uses TPC, Toontrack Percussive Compression.

EZX Expansions for EZ Drummer
EZX-s are Expansion packs for DFH EZdrummer featuring drums and percussion sound banks to be used with the basic EZD module. They also contain additional MIDI files to offer you even more choice building your tracks.

The philosophy behind EZX is to give the user sounds recorded and mixed by the best in the business at an affordable price. The sounds are tweaked with specific genres in mind and recorded by top producers. When loading an EZX an interactive picture of the drumkit contained in that Expansion will appear in the main window of EZD and allow all the prelistening and construction features specific to that particular expansion.

To access an EZX Expansion preinstalled on your computer click the EZX display in the main window. If you have installed one or more EZX a pull down menu will reveal the available options.
Technical Info

System Requirements
1 GB free disc space

512 MB RAM

DVD drive

DFH EZ Drummer installed (sold separately).

Instrument List
- Ludwig Keystone (1960's) 14x24 in. (Felt and Plastic Beater)

- Black Beauty 20's 5x14 in. (Sticks & Brushes)
- Ludwig B/O Supraphonic (1970's) 6,5x14 in. (Sticks & Brushes)
- Ludwig B/O Supraphonic Low Tuning 6,5x14 in. (Sticks)
- Slingerland Radioking 1940's 7x14 in. (Sticks)

- Racktom, Ludwig Keystone (1960's) 9x13 in. (Sticks & Brushes)
- Floortom, Ludwig Keystone (1960's) 16x16 in. (Sticks & Brushes)

- 13 in. K Zildjian Istanbul (1960's) (Sticks)
- 15 in. Paiste Formula 602 Medium (Sticks & Brushes)

Cymbals position 1:
- 17 in. Zildjian Dark Crash (Sticks & Brushes)
- 18 in. Paiste Signature Fast Crash (Sticks & Brushes)
- 16 in. Paiste Signature Fast Crash (Sticks & Brushes)

Cymbals position 2:
- 17 in. K Zildjian Dark Crash (Sticks & Brushes)
- 22 in. Zildjian Swish Knocker (Sticks & Brushes)
- 17 in. Paiste Signature Fast Crash (Sticks & Brushes)

- 22 in. A Zildjian Ride (1950's) (Sticks & Brushes)
- 20 in. K Zildjian Heavy Ride (Sticks & Brushes)

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