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Cakewalk RgcAudio z3ta Plus v1.5.2 VSTi. DXi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Synth Page - Oscillators Section 32-bit wavetable synthesis with three interpolation modes (DRAFT, NQ, HQ). Full Stereo processing. 6 Oscillators, 60 built-in waveforms,

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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
افتراضي Cakewalk RgcAudio z3ta Plus v1.5.2 VSTi. DXi


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Cakewalk RgcAudio z3ta Plus v1.5.2

Synth Page

- Oscillators Section
32-bit wavetable synthesis with three interpolation modes (DRAFT, NQ, HQ).
Full Stereo processing.
6 Oscillators, 60 built-in waveforms, 10 user loadable waveforms, PWM capable in all oscillators with any waveform.
Loadable Wavetable Sets: Programs using different wavetable sets can be mixed in a bank. z3ta+ will find and load the appropriate wavetable set when the program is selected on-the-fly.
Loadable Oscillator USER Waveforms: z3ta+ can load the USER oscillator waveforms 1 to 6 from standard wave files (.wav). Up to six individual waveforms can be loaded per program, and then transformed by using the shaper as the internal waveform set. It is possible to load different waveforms in each preset. z3ta+ will find and reload the used waveforms when the program is selected on-the-fly. The wave files must be mono, up to 64k samples, in any samplerate.
64 voice polyphonic (CPU dependant) with polyphony limiter and Intelligent Voice Al[محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف] (no clicks when maximum polyphony is exceeded).
Full Stereo processing.
6 Oscillators, 60 built-in waveforms, 10 user loadable waveforms, PWM capable in all oscillators with any waveform.
Independent Waveshaper for each oscillator with 14 wave transformations: WARP, TWIST, MULTIPOINT, WAVE, SYMMETRY, DRIVE, WAVE, OFFSET, SHRINK, SELFSYNC, BIT REDUCTION, HIPASS and LOWPASS filters,, DC-OFFSET and WINDOW, all fully band limited and real-time capable.
Full Legato mode when operation is monophonic.
Circular inter-oscillator modulation.
Ring modulation, Hard Sync, PM and FM modes for any oscillator.
MULTI mode for any oscillator, which turns any oscillator in 8 oscillators (4 stereo oscillators) with adjustable detune.
Octave (-5 to +5 oct), Transpose (-12 to +12 semi), Detune (-50 to +50 cent) and Phase (0 to 360 deg) controls for each oscillator.
Key sync and Free Running, Normal or Inverted, with or without keyboard tracking modes for any oscillator.
Main Transpose, Main Tune controls.
Oscillator random tune control with per-oscillator generator.
Adjustable Punch control (drum machine-like DC burst).
Individual settings for Pitch Bend Up and Down (-12 to +12 semi).
4 Pitch Bend modes: Normal, Up, Down and Hold notes.
4 monophonic/polyphonic Portamento modes: Normal and Fingered, Fixed and Variable time.
Two mixing busses for oscillators outputs.
Individual Level/Modulation amount control.
- Filters Section
2 Filters, 10 Filter Modes: 12dB/oct LPF/HPF/BPF/BRF, 24dB/oct LPF/HPF/BPF/BRF, 36dB/oct LPF, formant.
Individual Cutoff, Resonance, Resonance Boost, Pan, Level and Limiter controls for each filter.
- LFO Section
6 Morphing capable LFOs, 4 global, 2 local (per-voice), all host Tempo Sync capable.
60 Waveforms, 10 user waveforms.
Individual Offset, Delay, Fade In, Morph Time, Speed, Tempo Sync and Key Sync mode controls.
10 LFO combination modes: MORPH, ADD, IADD, SUB, ISUB, MUL, MIN, MAX, HALF1, HALF2.
- EG Section
Eight 6-stage envelope generators, 1 bipolar, 6 unipolar, 1 main Amp EG, all with adjustable positive or negative amount.
Individual Delay, Attack Time, Slope Time, Slope Level, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Release Time controls.
Individual Attack, Slope, Decay and Release shape controls with 3 shapes (linear, slow, fast).
- Modulation Matrix
16 row modulation matrix with Source, Range (min/max), Curve, Control and Destination options.
24 modulation sources, including all LFOs, EGs, Attack and Release velocity, Unipolar and Bipolar keyboard tracking, internal functions and polyphony.
Min and Max modulation adjustable.
12 modulation curves, including Linear, Slow, Fast with normal and reverse polarity, and four pitch curves.
Over 200 modulation controls, including all EGs, unipolar and bipolar Pitch Bend, channel and polyphonic Aftertouch, Modulation Wheel, Breath, all MIDI CCs, velocity, unipolar and bipolar keyboard tracking, audio input and X-Y pad.
Over 60 destinations, including Pitch, PW, Levels, Routing, Pan, LFO and EG parameters, Functions, and many FX parameters.
Effects Page
- Drive Section
6 Drive modes, including Soft/Hard drive, Valve Amp, Smart Shaper and Heavy [محذوف][محذوف][محذوف][محذوف]l (local Plus global drive stage), individually selectable for both filters.
Stereo Decimator (lo-fi).
Tone, Drive and output Level controls.
- Modulation Section
9 Mode Modulation section, full stereo operation (except when mono modes are selected).
Modulation speed sync'able to host Tempo.
3 modulation waveforms.
Broad range of Chorus, Flanger and Phaser effects available, including mono/stereo chorus, flanger and phaser, 6-voice chorus, Quad phaser.
Delay, Speed, modulation Depth, Feedback, 2-band Modulation Equalizer with selectable modes and Level controls.
- Compressor Section
3 Mode dedicated compressor, with Threshold, Ratio, Gain and output Level controls.
Delay Section
3 individual stereo delay lines, with Time (L & R), Delay, Feedback and Level controls.
Multi mode 3-band EQ inserted in the feedback loop, with 6 EQ modes.
Tempo Sync capable.
- Reverb Section
Full stereo reverb.
4 Reverb modes, including Small Room, Mid Hall, Big Hall and Plate.
Size, Damp, Lo, Hi and Wet/Dry controls.
- Eq Section
Full stereo eq.
7 band equalizer with 11 equalizer modes (Wide 1/2/3, Half 1/2/3, Low, Lo/Mid, Mid, Mid/Hi, Hi).
Simulator Section
Stereo Cabinet-Amp simulator, with 19 different preset simulations.
- Main Effect Section
Stereo Main Limiter.
Graphic User Interface
2 page, 3 deployable windows (Shaper, X-Y Pad, Spectral Analyzer), several subsections display.
Graphics by bitplant!
Inertial sliders, menu-driven multi lists, fast page selectors.
Sound Preview ribbon at bottom, variable velocity (y position), MIDI transmit to host (VST).
Polyphony indicator.
Master Volume and Limiter controls, output VU meter.
Full mouse wheel support.
Focus-capable controls, full PC-Keyboard support.
- X-Y Pad
Deployable X-Y pad with random mode via right-click, assignable as CONTROL in the modulation matrix.
- Programs / Banks
Bank and Program selector, Program up/down, Program Name display/editor.
6 banks (A-F), 768 program capacity, 128 factory presets.
Saves and Loads standard .fxb and .fxp files.
Compressed bank file format, to save space in song/bank files.
All settings saved in the song.
Copy/Paste/Initialise program utilities.
Auto-load of Default file, utility to save Default File.
- MIDI Learn
All controls are MIDI Learnable, with adjustable min/max/reverse status via right-click.
Multiple MIDI CC#'s are possible to be assigned to same control, multiple controls can be attached to one MIDI CC#.

Cost: $139



PASS: vstclub.com

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