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شرح برامج الهندسة الصوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي شرح برامج الهندسة الصوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي

المجموعه الكاملة - Cubase 4

المشاركه باسم yassor ASK Video Cubase 4 Tutorial Level 1 PC - MAC ASK Video Cubase 4 Tutorial Level 1 DVDR Learn Cubase 4 from legendary Steinberg product

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قديم 17-09-08, 12:06 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



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المنتدى : شرح برامج الهندسة الصوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Impo المجموعه الكاملة - Cubase 4



المشاركه باسم yassor

ASK Video Cubase 4 Tutorial Level 1


ASK Video Cubase 4 Tutorial Level 1 DVDR

Learn Cubase 4 from legendary Steinberg product specialist Steve Kostrey in this comprehensive, informative and professional video tutorial.

Learn everything from basic setup and tools to audio and MIDI recording, editing and mixing. This video tutorial is a must for every Cubase user, whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro. It’s the next best thing to having the expert right there beside you.

With thousands of hours of seminar experience under his belt, Cubase Guru Steve Kostrey explains in a step by step, easy to follow style, how to get the most out of Cubase 4.

About Steve Kostrey: Product specialist and clinician at Steinberg Canada from 1995-2005, during which he has demonstrated every aspect and feature of Cubase at literally hundreds of clinics to thousands of musicians. Steve shares his wealth of knowledge and experience with you in this DVD.

30 Videos
Over 2 hours of professional instruction
Extremely high quality tutorial videos
Easy to use interface
Hostess introduces every video adding a personal touch not seen in other 'tech' tutorials.
Made for Cubase 4 but also great for users of Cubase LE, Cubase AI, Cubase SX3 and Nuendo.
Mac OS X & Windows compatible
DVD-Rom, DVD (NTSC) and DVD (PAL) all in one package!
Cubase 4 Tutorial DVD Level 1 *******:
30 high quality professional videos
1. MIDI Setup
2. Audio Setup
3. New Project
4. Tracks
5. Track Presets
6. The Transport
7. The Project Page
8. Tools 1
9. Tools 2
10. Customizing
11. Real or Virtual MIDI
12. MIDI Recording
13. VST Connections
14. Recording Audio 1 - example video
15. Recording Audio 2
16. Looping
17. Loop Recording 1
18. Loop Recording 2
19. Snap
20. MIDI Editing - example video
21. Audio Editing 1
22. Audio Editing 2
23. The Event Infoline
24. The Mixer 1 - example video
25. The Mixer 2
26. The Arranger Track - example video
27. Key Commands & Macros
28. Workspaces
29. Managing Audio 1
30. Managing Audio 2

System Compatibility:
This product includes QuickTime 7.x Mac/PC which is required for video playback. DVD-Rom drive required for Mac/PC DVD-ROM. DVD player required for NTSC/PAL DVD. Minimum screen resolution for DVD-ROM 1024 x 768.
PC: Windows XP Home or Professional, Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon 800 MHz or faster, 256 MB RAM. Windows MME or DirectSound Sound Card.
MAC: Requires Mac OS X v10.2 or higher, Power Mac G4 867 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Sound Card.
Made in Canada by ASK Video.


More info - https://askvideo.com

Install: Unrar and mount or burn


Pass: Likos



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