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ReFX Slayer 2 VSTi 2.6

اليكم احباء ليلاس البرنامج المعروف برنامج الجيتار الالكتروني ReFX Slayer 2 VSTi 2.6 Slayer 2 starts from where its predecessor left off. In particular, the physical model of

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قديم 16-09-08, 04:23 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Top ReFX Slayer 2 VSTi 2.6


ReFX Slayer VSTi

ReFX Slayer VSTi

اليكم احباء ليلاس البرنامج المعروف برنامج الجيتار الالكتروني
ReFX Slayer 2 VSTi 2.6

ReFX Slayer VSTi

Slayer 2 starts from where its predecessor left off. In particular, the physical model of the guitar has been completely revamped, improving the quality of the simulation dramatically. Not only does Slayer 2 sound a whole lot better, it is also much more flexible.

Up to 16 effects can now be used simultaneously; half of them before, and half of them after the amplifier. You can place any of the sixteen available stomp-box effects in any of the sixteen available effect slots. When you want to change the order of the effects, just drag'n'drop.

Astonishingly authentic acoustic guitars can be created by altering the size and material used for the guitar-body.

There are also new playing-aids - two new string-types, two new amplifiers and two new cabinets.

The interface graphics have been revamped too. Slayer 2 has a completely new, elegant and *******ing look. The whole look'n'feel makes it much easier and faster to use.

Supplied as a bonus plug-in, a special treat is the effects-only version of Slayer 2. With its own virtual amplifiers and effect pedals, you can even use Slayer 2 on your own guitar! Play your guitar live and Slayer 2 will mangle, smash and contort it to meet your needs.

s2vsti26.rar (4.56 MB)

Password: guitarist



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