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برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي Cubase Fruity Loops Halion Style works Mixcraft Sonar Nuendo Sound forge Cakwalk Samplitude

M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig Key Rig v1.0.0 STANDALONE VSTi iSO FULL

أقدم لكم احبة ليلاس الأفاضل بلاغ انز رائعين من M-audio الأول خاص بالدرمز والبيز والثاني خاص بأصوات الكيبورد M-Audio’s Drum & Bass Rig M-Audio’s Drum &

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قديم 16-09-08, 04:18 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



سامي شمس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Top M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig Key Rig v1.0.0 STANDALONE VSTi iSO FULL


M-Audio Drum Bass v1.0.0 STANDALONE

M-Audio Drum Bass v1.0.0 STANDALONE

أقدم لكم احبة ليلاس الأفاضل بلاغ انز رائعين من M-audio
الأول خاص بالدرمز والبيز
والثاني خاص بأصوات الكيبورد
M-Audio Drum Bass v1.0.0 STANDALONE

M-Audio’s Drum & Bass Rig


M-Audio’s Drum & Bass Rig delivers a wide variety of Bass and Drum sounds in a single virtual rack. Compatible with most Mac and PC environments, Drum & Bass Rig incorporates four great sounding modules that can be used in stand-alone or plug-in mode. The RD-5 Real Drums module serves up tons of sampled Drum kits and percussion. The EB-6 Electric Bass delivers authentic Bass fingering, picking, slapping and more. The LC-7 Loop Creator allows easy and flexible creation and playback of sampled loops. And the BL-8 Bassline is ideal for creating electronic music Bass lines. The master MIDI/Mixer section lets you route, split, layer and mix these four powerful modules in whatever way best suits your performance and recording needs. A master effects section even allows for adding a common effect in addition to the individual effect section included with each instrument.

M-AudioKey Rig

Key Rig from M-Audio covers all the basic needs for today’s keyboardist in a single virtual rack. Compatible with most Mac and PC environments, Key Rig delivers four great sounding modules that can be used in stand-alone or plug-in mode. The SP-1 Stage Piano module serves up grand pianos, Wurlitzer, classic electric pianos, FM and more. The MS-2 Polyphonic Synthesizer delivers a new, easy way to call up and edit great synth sounds. The MB-3 Tone Wheel Organ emulates the classic Hammond™ sound complete with rotary speaker. And the GM-4 General MIDI Module is great for sequencing the rest of your backing tracks. The master MIDI/Mixer section lets you route, split, layer and mix these four powerful modules in whatever way best suits your performance and recording needs. A master effects section even allows for adding a common effect in addition to the individual effect section included with each instrument.

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