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Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT

اليكم أحباء ليلاس الأفاضل VSTi سانتي .موديلتور رائع به العديد من المميزات Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT Binary is beautiful A digital recording is just a sequence

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قديم 15-09-08, 02:51 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
افتراضي Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT


Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT
اليكم أحباء ليلاس الأفاضل VSTi
سانتي .موديلتور رائع
به العديد من المميزات
Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT

Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT

Binary is beautiful
A digital recording is just a sequence of numbers. Easily quantifiable as ones and zeros, stored on physical media, combined together into larger numbers to form a continuous stream of data.

Surge - Digital and proud of itUntil you listen to it. Then it becomes real.

SURGE is an instrument capable of generating truly beautiful sequences of numbers. Your ears will agree with us.

More than the sum of its parts
Architecturally speaking, Surge is a rather complex synthesizer. But because of how it's put together it's still easy to learn. Once you do, you will turn the sounds in your head to Audio faster than ever.

The effortless workflow, attention to detail and the sound quality can't really be appreciated without trying it yourself.
Specifications (v1.2.2):
Synthesis method: Subtractive hybrid
Each patch contain two 'scenes' which are seperate instances of the enitre synthesis engine (except effects) that can be used for layering or split patches.
Quick category-based patch-browser
Future proof, comes as both a 32 & 64-bit VST plugin (Windows PC)
Universal Binary for both VST and AU (Mac)
Factory sounds
942 patches
177 wavetables
3 oscillators/voice
6 versatile oscillator algorithms: Classic, Sinus, Wavetable, FM, S/H Noise and Audio-input
The classic oscillator is a morphable pulse/saw/dualsaw oscillator with a sub-oscillator and self-sync.
The FM oscillator consists of 1 carrier, 2 relative modulators and 1 absolute modulator.
Most algorithms (all except sinus and audio-input) offer up to 16-voice unison at the oscillator level.
Oscillator FM/ringmodulation
All oscillator algorithms (except FM) are strictly band-limited yet still cover the entire audible spectrum.
Noise generator with variable spectrum
Two filter-units with arrangeable in 7 different configurations
Feedback loop
Available filter-algorithms: LP12, LP24, LP24L (ladder filter with 1-4 poles), HP12, HP24, BP, Notch, Comb (4 modes), S&H
Most filter-algorithms have been improved in v1.2
Waveshaper (5 shapes)
12 LFO-units available to each voice (6 are running on each voice and 6 are shared for the scene)
DAHDSR envelope generators on every LFO-unit
7 deformable LFO-waveforms + 1 drawable/stepsequencer waveform
LFO1 allows envelope retriggering when used as stepsequencer
Extremely fast and flexible modulation routing. Almost every continuous parameter can be modulated.
8 effect units arranged as 2 inserts/scene, 2 sends and 2 master effects
9 top-quality algorithms: Delay, Reverb, Chorus, Phaser, EQ, Distortion, Conditioner (EQ, stereo-image control & limiter), Rotary speaker, Frequency shifter
System Requirements (Windows PC)
A computer running Windows 2000/2003/XP (32/64-bit) or newer
The computer's CPU must support the SSE instruction set. This is supported by Intel Pentium 3/4/M and AMD Athlon XP/64 (and newer) processors.
256 MB RAM
A VST-compatible Host application
An x64-compatible CPU, OS and Host is required to use the 64-bit version

Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT

للمزيد من المعلومات زر موقع البرنامج

Vember Audio Surge VSTi v1.2.2-BEAT



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