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15-09-08, 12:37 PM | المشاركة رقم: 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
المنتدى :
برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
PGMusic Band in a Box UltraPAK v2008.0.0.256-AiR
برنامج موسقي جميل يمكنك من العزف وتسجيل المقاطع الموسيقية كما انه يحتوي على آلة موسيقبة وكذالك على ستيلات الدرمز الجميلة كما انه يدعم بعض الصيغ الصوتة ك WAV, WMA,MP3 وaudio cd Band-in-a-Box 2008 is easy to use and jam-packed with features that you are sure to love! We've added RealTracks, MultiStyles, enhancements to the popular Audio Chord Wizard, RealDrums style changes, and much more. With the previous release of Band-in-a-Box, we added RealDrums. Now we’ve added RealTracks with three additional “Real” instruments, including Real Pedal Steel, Real Acoustic Guitar, and Tenor Sax soloing (RealSax). Best of all, they follow the chord progression that you have entered, so that you hear an authentic audio accompaniment to your song. MultiStyles - We’ve added MultiStyles to Band-in-a-Box. These are Styles that can have anywhere from 4 to 24 substyles! Previous Band-in-a-Box Styles were limited to 2 substyles (“a” and “b”). Now, for example, a MultiStyle with 4 substyles (First Verse, Verse, Chorus, Break) can be used, and you select the various sections using A, B, C & D part markers. Some of our newest Styles Sets are MultiStyles, typically with 4 substyles, but some Techno Styles have 24 substyles. Audio Chord Wizard Enhancements - The Audio Chord Wizard is the amazing feature that automatically figures out the chords from MP3 files (or other audio files like WAV, WMA, and audio CD etc.). The Audio Chord Wizard is a great way to learn and practice popular songs, as you play along and see the chords. We’ve added a Lead Sheet window that shows the chords for the whole song on a single screen, the ability to mark sections of the song using part markers, and many other improvements. MORE INFO @ www.pgmusic.com DOWNLOAD LINKs http://rapidshare.com/files/93015124/PGBIAB.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/93015242/PGBIAB.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/93015356/PGBIAB.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/93015417/PGBIAB.part4.rar P@SSWORD magesy
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جديد مواضيع قسم برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي |
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