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برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي Cubase Fruity Loops Halion Style works Mixcraft Sonar Nuendo Sound forge Cakwalk Samplitude

MAGIX Samplitude - MUSIC MAKER 2008 German

أحباء ليلاس الأفاضل اليكم هذا البرنامج الرائع من شركة ماجيكس الخاص بتحرير الصوت وعمل التراكات والتوزيع الموسيقي به امكانيات تسجيل جيدة وسهل التعامل مع الأداوات فيه عند تفعيل البرنامج عن

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قديم 15-09-08, 12:08 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
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معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
افتراضي MAGIX Samplitude - MUSIC MAKER 2008 German


MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

أحباء ليلاس الأفاضل اليكم هذا البرنامج الرائع من شركة ماجيكس الخاص بتحرير الصوت وعمل التراكات والتوزيع الموسيقي به امكانيات
تسجيل جيدة وسهل التعامل مع الأداوات فيه
عند تفعيل البرنامج عن طريق الكراك المرفق به يصبح نسخة تمكنك من تحميل مكتبات جميلة مجانا وبروابط سريعة ومباشرة وهي كالتالي
Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 Download-Version

******* Pack 01 (893MB)

Dieses ******* Pack enthält folgende Instrumente, die heruntergeladen werden können:
- Orchestral Brass
- Orchestral Strings
- Orchestral Woodwinds
- Vital Acoustic Drum Kits
- Vital Acoustic Guitars
- Vital Acoustic Percussion

- Vital Acoustic Pianos

******* Pack 02 (744MB)
Hinweis! ******* Pack 2 funktioniert nur, wenn ******* Pack 1 vorher heruntergeladen und installiert wurde.
******* Pack 2 enthält folgende Instrumente:
- Vital Electric Basses
- Vital Electric Guitar
- Vital Electric Pianos
- Vital Power Chords

- Vital Soundtrack Percussion 1
******* Pack 03 141MB

Dieses ******* Pack enthält folgende Instrumente, die heruntergeladen werden können:
- Atmos
- Beatbox
- Drum & Bass Machine

- LiViD - Little Virtual Drummer

******* Pack 04 168MB

Dieses ******* Pack enthält folgende Instrumente, die heruntergeladen werden können:

- AutoJamSession

- SampleTank2 MX

MAGIX Samplitude - MUSIC MAKER 2008

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 is the total solution for all your musical productions on PC:
discover the large variety of functions and the great user-friendliness of its interface for the recordings, the edition, the mixing, dieing and the publication. Benefit from the many virtual instruments and test the malignant tools to carry out professional recordings in residence, to compose of flexible arrangements and to obtain a perfect sound

Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 provides a complete solution for professional musical productions on the PC - ideal for groups, musicians, artists and podcasters multimedia. NEW! Hybrid Audio Engine ®, automation of effects, more instruments, Revolta 2, VST *MultiOut, Power Chords and more
*Sequencer combined MIDI and Audio
*Functions professional and easy to use
*Effects powerful studio
*Mastering Suite
*Synthesizer of superior quality
*Supports VST, ASIO, ReWire, DirectX ®


New features and more

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 is not a sequencer high-performance, but also a perfect assistant for the rehearsal room!

Those who want to register a complete kit percussion and other instruments simultaneously will assess the possibilities of multitrack recording: simply activate the tracks needed and start recording.

In addition to editing audio intuitive, Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 also offers MIDI particularly effective tools for simple and precise arrangements.


NEW! Hybrid Audio Engine ®

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

With Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008, you have exceptional tools for recording at home!
The Hybrid Engine ® Audio Integrated confers a professional dimension to your musical productions: a combination of the new Low Latency Engine and very powerful Samplitude Playback Engine provides a minimum latency and maximum performance.

Your advantage: when checking live, Low Latency Engine allows you to listen to the effects of the runway with a low latency.
The Samplitude Playback Engine allows him, as an engine for high-latency, tasks requiring many calculations such as integration effects objects.

Discover the benefits of an environment of a studio absolute stability.


NEW! Revolta 2

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Revolta 2 shows the full potential of the synthesis of its analog and virtual.
Many functions as polyphony with 12 votes, the noise generator, and a modulation matrix offer full range of sounds for any kind of electronic music.
Section effect integrated and complete practice Step sequencer features.
Take advantage of the new standard.


NEW! Vital Instruments ™ - the new standard

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

The MAGIX Vital Instruments ™ are samples of premium quality.
Created by expert in this field, yellow tools, instruments combine recordings of actual instruments with natural sound characteristics and behavior of Thursday typical real musicians.
Result: the instruments that are true to life to the sound authentic, up to 11 levels of volume, resonance, sounds pinch cords and more!
Take the experience of a library sound impressive realism. With the controller Vita, you have direct access to all parameters.


NEW! More instruments

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

With Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 guitarists will be filled.
The Clean Electric Guitar impresses his thanks to a very pure classical and is particularly suited for use with distorting effects for productions current pop and rock.

Another new feature, Power Chords: distortion guitars at very authentic, test absolutely.
Those who like to experiment as well as producers of film MUSIC will find their happiness with the new set Soundtrack Percussion: powerful percussion sounds as canisters or coups anvils.
Here are just a beginning!


Vintage Effects Suite PLUS

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Let yourself be surprised by the effects authentic and very special: the Vintage Effects Suite PLUS provides tools classical effects like musical style Delay, Distortion, and Filter Simulation tape.

Under an interface to the former, you have the effect algorithms more complex.
Explore the potential of each module and enhance your moods instruments sound very special.


NEW! Automation effects

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

In Samplitude MUSIC Studio you can draw with a pen in a very flexible manner volume, panorama and the parameters VST.
Thus, you always have control over all parameters and a full view of all the automation per track. Each displacement of pendant is recorded in real time.


Jam-session self

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Can you play an instrument but do not always have a group to accompany you? Thanks to the jam session integrated self you are always perfectly together! Just choose a style of MUSIC and start - what you hear goes further than just automatic accompaniment because all tracks can also be seen in the arrangement and can be edited in as much detail as your own productions - the perfect complement to soloists!



MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Thanks to the mixing console very clear, you have your plans well in hand.
A section of Advanced equalizer allows you to make the most of each track and integrate perfectly every instrument to your mix.
For routing effects, you have 4 lanes TO Track and 4 slots for additional effect of the effects VST and DirectX ® (8 to plug into the Master).
It has never been easier to mix.



MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Those who want a sound at once brilliant and powerful resorting to MAGIX Mastering Suite 2.5.
The equalizer can refine the master track.
The module StereoFX very powerful extends to the choice the stereo field.
MultiMax, the compressor and multi-band limiter leaves a sound warm and genuine.

And if pressed, choose one of several models studio - the perfect sound of a button.


Elastic Audio

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Elastic Audio is a specialist in publishing audio signals monophones like voice or solo instruments.
Each syllable is divided into slices and can be edited individually!
Give your vote or create perfect atmosphere, thanks to the hamoniseur intelligent, a choir of up to 4 votes, which automatically adjusts the tone chosen.
Elastic Audio is the ideal tool for publishing experimental percussion!



MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 integration allows free and easy plugins (also from other vendors) by VST and DirectX ®.

Your advantage: you can expand the functions you like and adapt it to your needs.
You can integrate other plugins effects and synthesizers to the interface standard!
Enjoy the benefits of an open system.


Bonus online

Easily download new sounds

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Catooh - catalog online media is your sound archive online.
Whatever you want - loops percussion instruments, voice or effects - Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008 offers direct access to this huge sound library and supports all your ideas with the appropriate sound equipment.


The universe of podcast

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

You want to create your own podcasts and publish them online?
With Samplitude MUSIC Studio 2008, do it in one fell swoop.
The publication of your productions only takes a click and you have all the time you devote to the ******* of podcasts.


Perfectly connected products and services online MAGIX

MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008

Discover the myriad possibilities of myGOYA, your operating system online free!
Each product MAGIX offers practical and direct connections to the world of multimedia *online:
Introduce your songs in the Community MAGIX.
You can create a profile and publish your MUSIC online with a single click.
*Up in just a few steps your website custom design in a professional Flash - with photos, videos, MUSIC and impressive animations

رابط التحميل
MAGIX Samplitude MUSIC MAKER 2008



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