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Loops loops

Big Fish Audio West Coast Hip Hop Pak MULTIFORMAT-PAD

Big Fish Audio West Coast Hip Hop Pak MULTIFORMAT-PAD West coast Hip Hop construction kits from veteran producer Soul G. Working with

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قديم 15-09-08, 03:34 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو فخري

التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 178
المشاركات: 16,784
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المنتدى : Loops
افتراضي Big Fish Audio West Coast Hip Hop Pak MULTIFORMAT-PAD


Big Fish Audio West Coast Hip Hop Pak MULTIFORMAT-PAD

West Coast Hip Hop construction kits from veteran producer Soul G.

Working with the likes of P-Diddy, Memphis Bleek, Sheek Louch, T.L.C and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Soul-G has been around the game for a while. You won't find West Coast hip hop tracks like this in your standard sample library. This stuff is the real deal. These 10 kits can be purchased exclusively through this download pak, and with over 200 loops and hits to work with, the price is a steal. Check out the vibe of the punchy kicks and fat snares, deep basses, and chilled-out synths. Everything you need to create your chart-busting tracks is here with full preview mixes, broken out loops, drum hits, and drum tracks to mix the drums to your exact liking.

This download contains 1.15 GB of West Coast hip hop construction kits (526 MB in WAV). In these 10 construction kits, there are a total of 205 loops and hits. Each kit contains a main mix for previewing, each element broken out into its own loop, drum hits, and also drum tracks. Drum Tracks give you access to the individual elements of the drums in loop form. So if you like the snare groove but you want a different kick, it's easy to mix and match or completely remix the drums using the drum tracks.


Pass: magesy



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