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Loops loops

Akai East Collexion 1, 2 & 3 **sampling cds

Akai East Collexion 1, 2 & 3 Three great cds from the past: East Collexion Vintage-1 Sustain East Collexion Vintage-2 Decay East Collexion Vintage-3 Synth East Collexion

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قديم 15-09-08, 02:25 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو فخري

التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 178
المشاركات: 16,784
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: شهووده عضو على طريق الابداعشهووده عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 184



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المنتدى : Loops
افتراضي Akai East Collexion 1, 2 & 3 **sampling cds


Akai East Collexion & **sampling

Akai East Collexion 1, 2 & 3 [sampling cds]

Three great cds from the past:
East Collexion Vintage-1 Sustain
East Collexion Vintage-2 Decay
East Collexion Vintage-3 Synth

East Collexion Vintage-1 Sustain
Now what on earth do we mean by vintage sustain? That's easy! Any classic keyboard that sustains when you hold down the keys. That's right, Hammond B series organs, Hammond L series organs with classic drawbar settings, different leslie speeds and different levels of percussion and distortion! Also, Vox Continental organ, (the rare) Vox Jaguar organ, Farfisa combo organ, Korg CX - 3 organ, Roland VP - 330 vocoder, Elka String Ensemble, ARP String Ensemble, ARP Solina, Mellotron (Flute, Choir, Strings, Solo Violin) and the very rare Chamberlin (Choir, Strings). This collection should hold your attention as well as your audience!

East Collexion Vintage-2 Decay
Classic keyboards that decay when you hold down the keys. These keyboards decay because they had tone generating elements that were either struck (like a tine on an electric piano) or plucked (like a string on a clavinet). 16 variations of the Fender Rhodes electric piano, 8 variations of the Wurlitzer electric piano, 5 variations of the Honnor Clavinet pick-up stops, Honnor Pianet, Roland MKS-20 piano & MKS-20 Electric Piano, Yamaha CP-70 & 8 variations of Yamaha CP-80. Fender Rhodes electric piano variations include the quite popular "Dyno-my-Rhodes" & all include velocity switching to stimulate various timbral changes.

East Collexion Vintage-3 Synth
Classic synthesizers from the 60's, 70's & 80's. Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, Arp Odyssey, Mini-Moog, Roland Jupiter-8, Oberheim Matrix 12, Korg PolySix, Arp 2600, MemoryMoog, Oberheim OB8, Yamaha DX7, Roland JX-10, Arp Axxe, Moog 55 Modular system, Oberheim OBX, Roland Juno-106, Korg Lambda, Oberheim Matrix 6, Arp Quadra, Moog Source, Roland TB-303, Oberheim 8 voice SEM, Roland MS20 & Juno 60, Arp Pro soloist, Oberheim Matrix 1000, Roland JX8P and more, plus a special section dedicated to all the great organ patches that were generated by synthesizers (with the Korg CX-3 thrown in for good measure).

Sustain rapidshare
Decay rapidshare
Synth rapidshare

password: soundup



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