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تفضلو Personal Guitarist v1.2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصف البرنامج بالانكليزية The easy-to-use software is multi-instrument compatible. Electric and Acoustic Guitars, 4-string instruments like Banjo and Cavaquinho, 5-string

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قديم 14-09-08, 03:15 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
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معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Ahhhhh تفضلو Personal Guitarist v1.2


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Personal Guitarist v1.2

Personal Guitarist v1.2

وصف البرنامج بالانكليزية

The easy-to-use software is multi-instrument compatible. Electric and Acoustic Guitars, 4-string instruments like Banjo and Cavaquinho, 5-string instruments like bass and also customized instrument or tunings.

Features list

Song Player

* Plays songs, showing the lyric, fingering and notation
* Includes more than 100 songs and exercises for practicing
* Learn how to play any song by using song files from different formats: .pg3 .mid .gp3 or .gp4
* You can control the Tempo, playing faster or slower
* You can view the Fingering, Notation or Intervals for each chord
* Learn how to play in 4, 5 and 6-string instruments
* Transpose and print the lyrics together with the chords
* Maximize the virtual fretboard to take advantage of high-res monitors and panels

Instrument Tuner

* Useful to beginners and skilled players, it´s an easy-to-use tuner
* You can user any microphone pluged on your computer or the instrument cable
* The Wizard helps you to set up everything so that you get the best tune for your instrument
* To improve your musical ear, you can also listen to the original tuning, and compare with your own guitar.
* It's suitable to different instruments and tunings like Acoustic/Eletric Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo, Ukulele, Bouzouki, Violin, Violoncello and Viola

Song Editor

* Create PG3 song files easily by providing the lyric with the chords and choosing the styles and rhythms
* Record and store your own guitar performance in a PG3 file and distribute it with your friends and fans
* Easy convertion of **** lyric files (.txt) to .PG3 interactive song file
* Create new guitar styles with the built-in style editor
* Transform a song, so it gets easier to play, by using the Simplify Chords feature

Chord Dictionary

* Learn how to play with fingering, notation or even intervals
* Learn how to play in 4, 5 and 6-string instruments
* Learn many ways/positions to play each chord
* Virtual Fretboard - Draw the chord on the fretboard and find out it´s name
* Import chords from lyrics (located on many sites over the internet)!
* 04 fretboard views (including one similar to someone playing in front of you)
* Comprehensive database with over 3.000 chords
* Exclusive chord Generator (in case you need a chord that´s not on the database)


* You can choose the desired tempo in Beats Per Minute
* It´s also possible to select the Measure (2/4, 3/4, 4/4 etc)
* The TAP enables you to click on the button and the metronome detects the tempo (in BPM)
D'Accord Personal Guitarist 1.2 for Windows (98,ME,2000,XP) is the most complete software for guitar players. It has exclusive features that enables students and musicians to practice and improve their playing skills in an easier way than traditional tablatures.

للمزيد من المعلومات حول البرنامج

من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا

تحميل موفق للجميع

لتحميل البرنامج +الكراك من المرفقات
وايضا يمكن تحميل الكراك بمفرده



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip D Accord Personal Guitarist v1.2 crack by TE[1].zip‏ (14.7 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 19)
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