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Full Waves pack

Waves Mercury Bundle VST DX RTAS v5.0-AiR With a stunning total of 91 stellar processors and over 200 component plug-ins, Mercury music software features more Waves in

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قديم 14-09-08, 03:01 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
دينمو البرامج الحديثة

التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 188
المشاركات: 686
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: Cubase عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 20

البلدRussian Federation


Cubase غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
افتراضي Full Waves pack


Waves Mercury Bundle VST DX RTAS v5.0-AiR

Full Waves pack

With a stunning total of 91 stellar processors and over 200 component plug-ins, Mercury music software features more Waves in one package than ever before

V-Series Three Vintage models that capture the sound of the consoles found in the world's most exclusive recording studios. The 2254. The 1081. The 1073 and 1066. The sound you've heard on hits from Steely Dan to Nirvana. The big budget sound—at your fingertips.
Diamond Bundle Diamond is Waves' most celebrated software package, a vast collection of 43 unparalleled audio processing tools. Containing every single plug-in found in our Platinum, Restoration, and Transform bundles. Including: L3 Multimaximizer , L3 Ultramaximizer, L3-LL Multimaximizer, L3-LL Ultramaximizer, SoundShifter, Morphoder, Doubler, TransX, C4 Multiband Parametric Processor, Doppler, L2 Ultramaximizer, L1 Ultramaximizer, UltraPitch, Linear Phase Multiband, MaxxBass, MetaFlanger, Linear Phase Equalizer, Q10 Paragraphic Equalizer, TrueVerb, Renaissance Channel, S1 Stereo Imager, Renaissance DeEsser, Renaissance Equalizer, AudioTrack, C1 Parametric Compander, Renaissance Compressor, Waves Tune LT, Paz Analyzer, Renaissance Reverb, Enigma, Renaissance Bass, SuperTap, MondoMod, Renaissance Vox, DeEsser, X-Noise, X-Click, X-Crackle, X-Hum, IR-L, Q-Clone, PS22 Stereo Maker (TDM only), RenAxx
MaxxVolume MaxxVolume is the ideal all-in-one dynamics processor for audio mixing and mastering as well as broadcast and post-production. Featuring both high and low level compression, gating, and leveling (auto gain control), MaxxVolume is perfect for voiceovers, vocals, and instrumental tracks.
L-Series With the groundbreaking L1, L2, and L3, Waves changed the world of audio forever. Now, the world's first 16 band peak limiter, the L3-16 Multimaximizer, is taking mastering to a whole new level.
Now including the L3-LL Multimaximizer and L3-LL Ultramaximizer!
GTR Waves, in association with Paul Reed Smith Guitars, presents Waves GTR 2.0, the hardware/software system that puts the world's best amps, cabinets, microphones, and effects right at your fingertips.
360 degree Surround Tools Conceived and created especially for Surround production, 360 degree Surround Tools includes compression, limiting, reverb, spatial enhancement, and much more. For the creation of sophisticated, accurate Surround mixes for today's multi-channel listening environments, absolutely nothing compares.
Vocal Bundle The ultimate vocal toolkit, made up of 5 powerful plug-ins, including the all-new Waves Tune for pitch correction and transformation, and DeBreath, a Waves exclusive which removes unwanted breath sounds automatically.
IR1 & IR360 The IR1 and IR360 parametric convolution reverbs put the meticulously captured sound of the world's greatest venues in your hands. Plus, you can capture the sonic characteristics of your favorite rooms and hardware, and shape the reverbs with pinpoint accuracy.
Z-Noise Waves set the standard for professional audio restoration with our acclaimed Restoration series plug-ins. Now we've raised the bar. Featuring real-time noise profiling, innovative transient preservation, and increased low-frequency resolution, Z-Noise truly is a revolution in noise reduction.


Password : mertnil

Waves GTR VST RTAS v3.0-AiR

Full Waves pack

GTR3 is the best sounding virtual guitar amp and effects software in the world. Period.
Waves captured the finest vintage and contemporary amps from Fender®, Marshall®, Mesa/Boogie®, Vox®, and more, using revolutionary sampling techniques that go way beyond standard modeling. The result is the most amazing guitar tones you will ever hear coming out of your computer. And with GTR3’s host-free Standalone ToolRack, all you need to do is plug in…and play!
19 Guitar Amps
7 Bass Amps
22 Cabs
26 Stomps
Multiple Mics and Mic Settings
Custom Hardware Interface
Realistic Dynamic Response
Expert Presets and FX Chains
Sync-to-Host BPM Effects
Drag-and-Drop Simplicity
Real-Time MIDI Control
Standalone or DAW-Ready


Password : mertnil

Waves API Collection VST RTAS v1.0-AiR

Full Waves pack

Developed in association with Automated Processes Incorporated, the API Collection features four precision processors based on renowned API modules: the 550A 3-Band Equalizer, the 550B 4-Band Equalizer, the 560 Graphic Equalizer, and the 2500 Stereo Compressor.
Used by engineers worldwide on countless hit records, these modules deliver a sound like no other. And with the API Collection, Waves captures every nuance of their unique sonic signatures.
More Info : www.waves.com/*******.aspx?id=3565


Password : mertnil

Waves Platinum Bundle v4.0-ArCTiC

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Diamond Bundle v5.2-H2O

Full Waves pack


Pass : mertnil

Waves Gold Bundle v3.6-ArCTiC

Full Waves pack


Pass : mertnil

Waves 360 Surround Tools Bundle v5.03-H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves C4 Multiband Parametric Processor v2.8-ZONE

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves IR1 5.1-H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves L3 v5.2 H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Musicians Bundle v5.0-H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves QClone v1.0-H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Renaissance Vox v1.0-ZONE

Full Waves pack


Password: mertnil

Waves Restoration Bundle v1.0-ZONE

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves SSL 4000 v1.2-AiR

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Transform Bundle v5.0-H2O

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Vocal Bundle v1.1-Air

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil

Waves Znoise v1.0-AiR

Full Waves pack


Password : mertnil



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