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MAGIX Samplitude SE No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE اخر اصدار ليعون ليلاس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم MAGIX Samplitude SE No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE Samplitude is one of the most successful solutions for audio and MIDI recording, editing & mastering on the PC.

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قديم 14-09-08, 02:13 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Adore MAGIX Samplitude SE No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE اخر اصدار ليعون ليلاس


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

MAGIX Samplitude No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE

MAGIX Samplitude SE No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE

Samplitude is one of the most successful solutions for audio and MIDI recording, editing & mastering on the PC.

The new version provides you with lots of innovations based around the new Hybrid Audio Engine. Improvements to the internal audio effects have been carefully implemented throughout. With the Score Editor for Samplitude Professional, the VSTi Manager for Samplitude Professional and Classic as well as the MAGIX plug-ins, you now have even more MIDI and VST features to choose from. The newly integrated Track Editor along with the advanced display options make sure that track handling is as clear as possible.

New in Samplitude SE No.9:
- No.9 workflows and graphical user interface
- Hybrid Audio Engine
- Mono tracks
- Latency compensation
- Track Editor
- AutoJam Session
- All VSTs as fully functional demo versions (Am-Suite, Vintage-Suite, Variverb)
- Virtual Reverse

More Features:
- Absolute phase stability ensures that the sound keeps its nuances even after the most intensive digital processing.
- Renowned sound quality based on highly developed digital algorithms.
- All you need for starting a professional session - recording, mixing, editing and mastering.
- Batchprocessing: edit and convert multiple files in a batch process.
- Powerful realtime effects: normalize, 4 band equalizer, stereo enhancer, amp simulation, vocoder, dehisser, timestretching/pitchshifting, dynamics, reverb, delay


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كلمة السر


وهذه رابط جديد تم رفعه على سيرفر zshare.net للي محجوب عندهم موقع رابدشير

حمل من هنــــااااااا

طريقه تفعيل الكراك
بعد فك الضغط عن الملفات سوف تجد ملفين

1- demo_samplitude_no9_us.exe
2- Crack
بعد ما تقوم بتنصيب البرنامج demo_samplitude_no9_us.exe h]og ادخل فى ال Crach ستجد فايل اسمه Sam9_E.exe انقله الى C:\Program Files\Magix\Samplitude_SE_No9


الموثرات الخاصة للبرنامج

MAGIX Samplitude No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE

MAGIX Samplitude No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE

MAGIX Samplitude No.9 e-version v9.1.1.1-TE

AM Suite / VE Suite / VariVerb Pro are powerful effect plug-ins already integrated into the MAGIX flagship products Sequoia and Samplitude. Since their introduction these tools enjoy excellent reputation within the studio scene and are now also available for other VST-enabled audio products for the first time.

AM | Suite -
Analogue Modelling Suite includes am-track analogue compressor, am-pulse transient designer and am-phibia pre-amp / channel strip.
First-class audio tools based on replicas of classic circuit designs

VE | Suite -
Vintage Effects Suite includes CORVEX, ECOX and FILTOX.
Provides highly-effective sound editing with chorus / flanger, echo / delay and multimode filter plug-in

VariVerb Pro -
VariVerb Pro stands for VARIable reVERB and is a high-quality reverb plug-in that runs on an algorithmic basis

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