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الارشيف يحتوي على مواضيع قديمة او مواضيع مكررة او محتوى روابط غير عاملة لقدمها

Native Instruments Kore VST RTAS v2.0.1 AMPLiFY+المكتبة الخاصة به لعيونكم كل ليلاسي

KORE attempts to bring order to the overwhelming number of software instruments, effects, presets and varying operating concepts. Uniting all your NI and third party VST and Audio Units instruments

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قديم 14-09-08, 12:28 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الارشيف
Stupido3 Native Instruments Kore VST RTAS v2.0.1 AMPLiFY+المكتبة الخاصة به لعيونكم كل ليلاسي


Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1

KORE attempts to bring order to the overwhelming number of software instruments, effects, presets and varying operating concepts. Uniting all your NI and third party VST and Audio Units Instruments and effects into a single platform, Kore presents them in a single, clearly structured, uniform interface. Inside your sequencer Kore becomes a plug-in.

KORE shifts the focus from the instrument to the sound itself. The KoreSound format stores information that describes a preset's musical characteristics. Use the Sound Browser's powerful search and filter functions to find sounds according to their musical attributes. As well as descriptive meta data, the KoreSound format also stores information on key splits, layers, routings, assignments and more making it a truly comprehensive format.

KORE's standardized software interface corresponds exactly to the layout and functionality of KORE's hardware component. The bi-directional communication delivers a dynamic workflow, displaying information instantly on both interfaces. The controller's high-resolution protocol, touch-sensitive knobs and USB 2.0 sound card turn all your plug-ins into a single, powerful and tactile instrument. NOTE: This is NOT a DSP solution - the hardware is a controller and audio/MIDI interface ONLY.

* Performance preset capability.
* Support for multiple MIDI input ports.
* New "Page-to-Page" learn mode.

Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1

Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1



Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1

Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1



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password = morz@magesy

Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1Native Instruments Kore RTAS v2.0.1



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