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الارشيف يحتوي على مواضيع قديمة او مواضيع مكررة او محتوى روابط غير عاملة لقدمها

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version Plex is more than the sum of it's samples. They are constructs that come to iife when the patch is designed. Great sounds can be

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قديم 14-09-08, 12:21 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version


Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Plex is more than the sum of it's samples. They are constructs that come to iife when
the patch is designed.
Great sounds can be made with Plex. It's samples are designed for
synthesizing, not realism. Think of wavetable synths, would you judge the
microWave based on the sound of it's wavetables? Similarly, why judge Plex by bland
samples. It's not a sample playback synth!
Plex is unique and has a lovely sound.

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version


كلمة السر


تحميل موفق للجميع

مع خالص التحية

Steinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full versionSteinberg Plex.vsti.v1.0 Full version



عرض البوم صور JORDAN  


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