How did hear about this forum?
A fellow romantic friend" new-me" who is a member here told me about it
Are you a Romantic person? And do you believe in love at first sight?
Actually, i consider myself half romantic , half practical & I do not believe in love at first sight because I totally think you have to live with someone to love them , not just their looks
What is your Horoscope?
well, honestly i do not know, cause i do not believe in it, sorry
What is your favourite colour? And what is your favourite flower?
green, jasmine
If you won an open flight ticket, what would be your fantasy destination?
spain definitely or greece
What do you consider the most important achievement in your life?
finding my soulmate & thank God i did
If you happen to meet your favourite author Johanna Lindsay, what would you say to her?
i liked your earlier works better, so please stop repeating your themes, harsh" i know
Can you tell us a situation where you were furious and wish you could throttle someone’s neck?
when any injustice befalls children, especially girls because they are "the underdog" in our society
If Aladdin’s Lamp fell in your hands, what are your three wishes going to be?
huge house where i can gather ALL my family including my married sisters who are scattered around the kingdom
A baby, preferablly, a girl , cause i still have no children
a Titanic library filled with romance novels
my wishes are easy, right
Is there something you have done that you regretted doing it later?
well, not just one thing , but to name one, i wish i had a better relashionship with my dead uncle
You have now a long stemmed, dewy deep -red rose bud in your hands, who are you going to present it to ?
just one !!well, to you my friends in liilas because you make a difference in my life
Waiting for your answers