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Hi dear girls
I really missed ya this weekend
and I just get here to find a lot of things to read and think about it
first of all I'm so happy to find habbobe here with us...we missed you girl but we won't forget you
about R&R friend...who told her to stop reading
I think I can show that friend's point of view in spite of being an addicted reader to romance
1. She think it's forbidden in our religion..cose there are sometimes a very hot scenes...you know
2. She thinks if you start reading this you'll live in a fantasy world and that may infect your real world badly
3. She may think that you are too innocent so these books will tainted your mind and drive you to do something wrong
I've been in this situation when I was in high school....I had a friend keep telling me that it's forbidden in our religion...finally I told her to stop plucking her eyebrows if she want to advise me about religion
and here where I disagree with MAYA in leaving this person with what she think....sometimes you have to stand and defend yourself
maybe it's harsh but sometimes you have to do it
and I can tell that I graduated with high grades from university and now I'm a successful woman in my carrier...(ok maybe I'm not married but I don't think the books are the reason any way) and I'm older than you and telling you that if these books do no harm in your time while worshiping God (5 prayers), studying or working and in your relationship with your family and friends then please keep reading
I don't like it when I talk too much....but the situation reminds me the past
PS: Nice signature WARDA