كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
Hey girls
Look, there's something i wanna ask you. all and not just maya. About reading romantic novels, i always thought it's okay but the other day i had a break and i decided to read a little and this girl, just a colleage came and asked me what i am doing so i told her and she was frowning at me and saying, it's wrong to read such stuff and i asked her why and she just said it's wrong, no explaination required. I really didn't pay much attention to her but being me, my head started thinking and i end up worrying and not knowing what's right or wrong. It happens to me when i over-think sth so i end up forgetting what was the problem in the first place.
Anyway, i just needed to hear your opinion about this. I know in my heart that it's okay. it's just novels but i need someone else's opinion
Love ya