المنتدى :
Word of the Day
Word of the Day
لقد اعجبتني هذه الفكرة كثيرا و لكن ما لم يعجبني بالكلمات التي تعرضها هذه المواقع بأن معظمها صعب و قد يكون استعمالها قليل جدا. لهذا رأيت ان اقوم بالبدء بموضوع جديد و لكن باختيار كلمات جديدة و لكن استعمالها اكثر.
اوك يلا نبداء انتبهو كويس وركزا مزبوط
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word of August 18th, 2008
part of speech: noun
plural: glitches
meaning: a small problem or fault that prevents something from being successful or working as well as it should
مشكلة او غلطة صغيرة تتسبب في تعطيل عمل شيء ما بالطريقة الصحيحة
We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's gone remarkably smoothly
The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch
other related forms
glitchy: adjective
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word of August 17th, 2008
part of speech: noun
plural: tings
صوت رنان و عالي meaning: a clear high ringing sound
The bell on the hotel receptionist's desk went ting when I pressed it
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word of August 16th, 2008
part of speech: noun
plural: phalanxes
مجموعة منظمة من الاشخاص، الحيوانات او الاشياء meaning: an organized body of persons, animals or things
The police commissioner had to maneuver through a phalanx of reporters before he could make his way into the building
Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close
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word of August 15th, 2008
part of speech: noun
plural: tyros
مبتدئ في العلم meaning: a beginner in learning/ a novice
A reviewer described the new photography manual as "a clear explanation of the basics, ideal for tyros but too elementary for experts
I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet
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ان شاء الله يعجبكم الموضوع وتستفيدوا منو
love you4 ever : sofeya
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة sofeya ; 09-01-09 الساعة 07:18 PM