كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زهرة الكاميليا |
yes I think it's fine amer
But do you suggest that the index should be like the incomplete one we already have or what??
I mean do we continue with that index or should we start a new index with different criteria??
And something else amer,
the index should be updated continuously, so don't you think that someone should be responsible for that
ur opinion is right zahra the the index should be always updated but don't worry we are not here the story section ( thank God ) so there will not be too much updating procces and if it was there any problem in that i'll leave it to one of u my revliotionary
and about the index cretiria i think i'll change it and we will do just small things
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that's it , noo complex index so we can update it easily