المنتدى :
Islam 6.90 في للياس
Islam 6.90
لمحة عن البرنامج
Islam 6.90 software
Islam 6.90 software - Holy Qur'an viewer with more than 28 Languages: Albanian - Arabic - Azerbaijani - Bosnian - Brazilian - Chinese - Dutch - Finish - French - German - Indonesian - Italian - Japanese - Korean - Latin - Malay - Mexican - Persian - Polish - Portuguese - Russian - Spanish - Swahili - Tamil - Thai - Turkish. Plus six other English Translations.
Islam software is available on 12+more Holy Qur'an translations, with the search engine, printing options, praying times and animation.
Program can load, search and display 1-4 Holy Qur'an translations at ones including original Arabic. "English - YusufAli" translation and "Arabic" as original text of the Holy Qur'an was included in the software.
When you were downloaded Holy Qur'an translation/s run the Islam software, click on the menu item "File / Option", then in the opened dialog box click on the "Install new translation" button and select downloaded Holy Qur'an translation *.tx_ file.
4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download Islam_6.90.rar
الموضوع منقول من أحد المواقع الأجنيبة
أسف حيث أني لم أستطع ترجمته لأني لا أجيد سوى الألمانية و الفرنسية