كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kifhan |
Dear amer_6630
Thank U 4 your invitation. This is my first participation in this forum. I'm used to get my English books elseware from the internet
As for chat & discussions with members, I don't have much time 2 do so
I'm very busy scanning and processing books in Arabic, and making them digitaly available for our members in Books"-, "Arabic Writers"- and "International Novels" forums
We have very nice, active and hardworking groups of both members/supervisors in the above mentioned forums. I'm sure you've already noticed that
I promise to browse the English forum, and come back later, with some ideas and suggestions, as I hope
Thank you again and keep up the good work !
Best regards to you and the other members
K I F H @ N
مرحبا كفهان فعلا ردك اثبت لي بان هنالك العديد من الاعضاء اللذين لا يعرفون القسم الانجليزي و فائدته لذلك اتمنى ان تبذل الجهد في هذا القسم و لو بموضوع واحد ذو فكرة جديدة او فكرة مطورة .
ساكون بانتظار انتقاداتك و اقتراحاتك