كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زهرة الكاميليا |
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Amer
Can I say a suggestion??
I suggest that we make a group. I mean an English group. My idea is to make every one feel like .... belonging to the English section. If they can feel like it's there home like we do, then they will alway visit the section.
and we could make some fun, work, activities or whatever in the group so that we all check it, and hence
check the English section all the time
It's just an idea any way
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks Amer
ur suggestion is in my mind from a long time but i will not do any thing new in the English section before cleaning it from unused topics and i'll use the members soon to make an advertisement for the section and my goal will be not the famous members it will be the sleepy members because a lot of them want anyone to encourage them and that will be our job so thank u zahrat al camilia for ur suggestion and i'll consider it in my mind as ur idea