المنتدى :
@Isurreder@ أتمنى تعجبكم
this is some thing i wrote & i hope you like it
There is some thing empty inside my heart ,it makes me feel like there is nothing inside my body .
No one knows about this but you , you are the only one who can understands me ,but the funny thing that you are so far away from me .This is funny !!!!!!!!
I need you so much ,I need to tell you what makes me so sad ,I need to cry so much without feeling any embarrassment .
I need some one who understands what am I going to say without saying and explaining . because I don’t know what to say ,the words are not coming out ,that is because I feel that no one will under stand.
Some times ,the tears are coming out from my eyes without feeling it ,the people are telling me to be strong ,how can I be strong and I am crushed inside ?
I wish that I can be strong ,but this strength will not come while I am in some kind of brake down .I wish I can find you and complain about the world , I wish I can cry and cry with you so I can be heart and body surrender .
But how can I find you and I don’t know who are you and what do u look like .
How can I find you and I don’t know where to find you ? .MY FRIEND I will be waiting for you all my life ………
Ihope you like it ![Flowers2 @Isurreder@](images/smilies/flowers2.gif)
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة sofeya ; 10-01-09 الساعة 06:59 PM