Best ‘Supernatural’ Quotes from ‘The Man Who Would Be King’
“I remember being at a shoreline watching a little gray fish heave itself upon the beach and an older brother saying ’Don’t step on that fish, Castiel. Big plans for that fish.’”
مع اني ما فمهت المغزى منها !!!!

“I remember the Tower of Babel, all 37 feet of it, which I suppose was impressive at the time. And when it fell, they howled ‘Divine wrath.’ But come on, dry dung can only be stacked so high.”

“I remember the most remarkable event. Remarkable because it never came to pass. It was averted by two boys, an old drunk and a fallen angel. The grand story, and we ripped up the ending and the rules and destiny leaving nothing but freedom and choice.”
-Cas about stopping the Apocalypse

“Any word on Satan Jr. being alive?”
-Dean to Cas about Crowley

“If he is up and kicing, then what does matter is finding him, ripping his head off and shoving it up his ass.”
-Dean to Cas about Crowley

“What is that good for?”
Crowley: “Chocula here feels every tickle."
Cas: “What is that good for?"
Crowley: “Apart from the obvious erotic value, you got me."

“Don’t worry about … what, like Lucifer didn’t worry? Or Michael? Or Lilith? Or Alastair? Or Azazel didn’t worry? Am I the only gamepiece on the board who doesn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!”
-Crowley to Cas about Sam and Dean

“I gotta tell you Red, for a filthy, lower than snake-spit hellspawn, you seem to have turned yourself into a damn fine hunter. I don’t know whether to kill you or kiss you.”
-Bobby to his demon hostage

“He is the Balki Bartokomous of Heaven. He can make a mistake.”
-Dean to Bobby about Cas, referencing Bronson Pinchot’s clueless immigrant character from the TV show Perfect Strangers

“If there’s a snowball of a snowball’s chance here, that means we’re dealing with a Superman whose gone dark side. Which means we’ve got to be cautious, we’ve got to be smart, and maybe stock up on some Kryptonite.”
-Bobby to Dean about Cas

“That makes you Lois Lane.”
-Dean to Sam

“The worst part was Dean trying so hard to be loyal with every instinct telling him otherwise.”
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“If there was a demon counterpart to Bobby Singer, Ellsworth would be it.”
-Cas in a reference to the fact that Jim Beaver, who plays Bobby, played a character named Ellsworth on Deadwood

“There isn’t one Heaven. Each soul generates its own paradise. I favor the eternal Tuesday afternoon of an autistic man who drowned in a bathtub in 1953.”

“God wants you to have freedom”
Cas: “No one leads us anymore. We’re all free to make our own choices and to choose our own fates."
Rachel: “What does God want?"
Cas: “God wants you to have freedom."
Rachel: “What does he want us to do with it?"

“Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.”

“Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like explaining poetry to fish.”

“Who’s Heaven is this?”
Cas: “Who’s Heaven is this?"
Raphael: “Ken Lay’s. I’m borrowing it."
Cas: “I still question his admittance here."
Raphael: “He’s devout. Trumps everything."

“You never look like you’re joking.”
-Cas to Raphael

“It’s like Mr. Clean clean, you know. Kind of O.C.D. for your average demon.”
-Bobby to Sam and Dean

“It is a little absurd, though. Superman going to the dark side. I’m still just Castiel.”
-Cas to Sam, Dean and Bobby

“The big lie, the Winchesters still buy it. The good Cas, the righteous Cas. As long as they still believe it, you get to believe it. Well I’ve got news for you, kitten: a whore is a whore is a whore.”
-Crowley to Cas

“I’m an angel, you ass. I don’t have a soul to sell.”
-Cas to Crowley

I’m talking about happy endings for all of us, with all possible entendres intended.”
-Crowley to Cas

“Problem with the old place was most of the inmates were masochists already. A lot of ‘Thank you sir, can I have another hot spike up the jacksy.’”
-Crowley to Cas about the old Hell (“jacksy" is a British slang term for rear-end)

“Submit or die? What are you, French?”
-Crowley to Cas

“There’s a lot of angels swooning over you. God’s favorite. Buddy boy, you’ve got what they call sex appeal.”
-Crowley to Cas

“Are you proposing that I start a civil war in Heaven? You’re asking me to be the next Lucifer.”
-Cas to Crowley

“I know two eerily suited Teen Beat models with time on their hands.”
-Crowley to Cas about Sam and Dean

“You know who spies on people, Cas? Spies!”
-Dean to Cas

“When crap like this comes around, we deal with it like we always have. What we don’t do is we don’t go out and make another deal with the Devil.”
-Dean to Cas

“You know what I see here? The new .... and the new Devil working together.”
-Crowley to Cas

“You know the difference between you and me? I know what I am. What are you, Castiel? What exactly are you willing to do?”
-Crowley to Cas

“You’re a freaking child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want.”
-Dean to Cas

“I’m not gonna logic you, OK? I’m saying don’t, just cuz. I’m asking you not to. That’s it. Next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family. You are like a brother to me. So if I’m asking you not to do something, you gotta trust me.”
-Dean to Cas
“You’re just a man”
Dean: “I’ll have to do what I have to do to stop you."
Cas: “You can’t, Dean. You’re just a man. I’m an angel."
Dean: “I don’t know, I’ve taken some pretty big fish."

“I’m asking you, Father, one last time. Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? You have to tell me, you have to give me a sign. Give me a sign. Because if you don’t, I’m gonna do whatever I must.”
-Cas to God