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قديم 06-12-07, 03:15 PM   المشاركة رقم: 71
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 15026
المشاركات: 10,594
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: GKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالق
نقاط التقييم: 2934



GKarima غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : GKarima المنتدى : الارشيف

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وقت الغداا وصل

أروووح أتغدى و أكمل بعدين

شهية طيبة بنااات



عرض البوم صور GKarima  
قديم 06-12-07, 03:24 PM   المشاركة رقم: 72
سندريلا ليلاس

التسجيل: Aug 2006
العضوية: 11023
المشاركات: 5,556
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معدل التقييم: darla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عالي
نقاط التقييم: 758



darla غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : GKarima المنتدى : الارشيف


اقتباس :-   المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة GKarima مشاهدة المشاركة
   وقت الغداا وصل

أروووح أتغدى و أكمل بعدين

شهية طيبة بنااات

عافية على قلبك كريمة

Thanks for the novel



عرض البوم صور darla  
قديم 06-12-07, 03:53 PM   المشاركة رقم: 73
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 15026
المشاركات: 10,594
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: GKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالق
نقاط التقييم: 2934



GKarima غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : GKarima المنتدى : الارشيف

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

اقتباس :-   المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة darla مشاهدة المشاركة

عافية على قلبك كريمة

Thanks for the novel

تسلمي حبيبتي دارلا على مرورك الطيب

و دلوقتي راح أكمل تنيل الرواية



عرض البوم صور GKarima  
قديم 06-12-07, 03:55 PM   المشاركة رقم: 74
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 15026
المشاركات: 10,594
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: GKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالق
نقاط التقييم: 2934



GKarima غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : GKarima المنتدى : الارشيف

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

"The prenuptial is intended to protect you, Sam. That's all. I don't want to buy you, or own you"

"Then tear it up."


"Tear it up." she insisted.

He took the paper, shredded it and Sam exhaled. "I will marry you." she said quietly, "on one condition,"

"What's that?"

She took a slow deep breath for courage. "That it be a real marriage. Not another marriage of convenience. I can't be a wife in name only anymore. I want to be a real wife. I want to be a real mom. I want to feel like I matter and I'm not just a contract or a piece of paper." And despite all her best efforts, her voice quavered. "The best part of marrying Charles was knowing I'd have a home, a place where I belonged. But then he died, it was all snatched away, it never happened."

Cristiano's hard jaw gentled. "I don't know your history with Charles, but I do know this. You belong here, Sam. We need you here—Gabby and me."

And that's when Sam gave up fighting, because she needed them even more.

They went back to Monte Carlo after dinner so Gabby could re*turn to school. Cristiano notified Ludwin's School for Girls that Gabriela wouldn't be enrolling after all. Cristiano attended to business, leaving Sam to manage the wedding details. She could have any kind of wedding she wanted, he said, his only request was that it be soon.

Sam wanted a very small wedding and they settled on a pri*vate ceremony at the villa. There'd be no guests, just the three of them and the officiate, of course.

Planning the wedding was easy after that. Sam and Gabriela went shopping together in Monte Carlo, and Sam let Gabby se*lect the dresses they'd wear for the afternoon ceremony. Gabriela was delighted to pick out a wedding dress for Sam and had Sam try on virtually everything in the store before finding a favorite.

Other details were attended to, like purchasing shoes to match their dresses—something Gabby felt was very important, and pretty hair accessories, again another Gabriela request-But time had passed and it was Saturday afternoon, now just two hours before the ceremony. Cristiano had offered to send a hairdresser to the house but Sam thought that expense, on top of all the others, too frivolous. Instead she and Gabby holed up in Sam's bedroom suite at the villa where they sat in matching robes sharing afternoon tea before they changed into their special dresses.

"Are you scared, Sam?" Gabby asked, holding her cup deli*cately in one hand.

"I'm a little nervous," Sam admitted. "Marriage is very serious."
"Cristiano said you weren't really married to Papa Johann. That someone made a mistake and you were really just friends."

Sam was rather impressed with the explanation Cristiano had given Gabby. It wasn't the exact truth but it was one a child, par*ticularly a sensitive child like Gabriela, could understand. "That's right. Johann and I are friends. We were never married like your friends' parents."

Gabby sipped from her cup. "Is that why you never shared the same bedroom?"

Sam flushed, embarrassed but not surprised that Gabby had picked up on that, "Yes."

"Will you and Cristiano share a bedroom?"

Sam's flush deepened. Her face felt hot from her neck to her scalp. "Probably," she hedged, stopped sipping. She hadn't thought about it. Deliberately hadn't thought about it.

"Will you and Cristiano have a baby?"

"Gabby." Sam rebuked softly. "Can Cristiano and I just get married first?"

"Okay." Gabby swung her legs, back and forth, while she looked past Sam to her pretty dress lying on the foot of the bed. "I knew he was going to come for us, didn't you?"

Sam felt the oddest sensation—half joy, half pain. "What do you mean?"

Gabby leaned forward to gently set her cup back in the sau*cer, taking great pains not to spill. "I always knew Cristiano would come. Didn't you?"

"No." Sam hesitated, nonplussed- "How did you know?"

"My angel."

Goose bumps covered Sam's arms. "You have an angel?"

“Yes.And so do you. Our angels are friends and do everything together and they knew since my mommy died, you'd be a good new mommy for me,"

"Oh. Gabby—"

"I have a really good angel, too. Do you know who it is?"

Sam had never heard anything like this in her life. "Who?"

"My real dad. Enzo."

Blinking, Sam found herself wishing Cristiano were here.

"He died right before I was born so it makes sense," Gabby continued, sliding forward on her chair to reach for one of the miniature cakes frosted in pink and white icing. "Who do you think your angel is?"

"I haven't a clue."

"I think I know."

Sam was beginning to think this child was either brilliant or crazy. "Who?"

"Your Charles." Gabby looked up at her, and her expression shifted between fear and defiance. "And you can't cry anymore. He doesn't want you to cry. You're supposed to be happy now."

This was the oddest conversation to be having before a wed*ding, Sam thought. This was a conversation better suited to strong drink than strong black tea. "I had no idea you talked to angels this much."

"I talk to them a little bit. They talk to me more,"

"And what do they say?" she asked carefully,

"That everything is going to be okay."

Surprised by the sudden welling of emotion, Sam bit her lip and realized that Gabriela had suffered far more than she let on, that the little girl had so many hopes and dreams and needs of her own.

Slipping off the chair, Gabby stripped off her robe. "Can we get dressed now?"

"Definitely," Sam answered, rising to help Gabby into her white organza dress.

While Gabby sat on the carpet to put her stockings and shoes on, Sam stepped into her own gown. It wasn't a dress Sam would have ever chosen for herself, the silk fabric the color of soft pow*dery sand, and the bronze bow a bit too much, but surprisingly when Sam tried the gown on in the bridal store, Sam loved it.

The gown was sleeveless, and the lace-crusted bodice clung to her breasts, shaped her waist and the full skirt fell in a roman*tic swirl of the palest, softest gold. Even the bronze silk bow, child*ish on the hanger, looked fresh and pretty when tied off-center.

Sam was so tempted to twirl in front of her bedroom mirror just to watch the fabric shimmer in the afternoon sun. The gown was beautifully cut but she loved the color best, loved the way the iridescent silk reminded her of water rushing over sand.

It was the perfect dress for Cap Ferrat, the perfect dress for being married privately in the villa's garden overlooking the sea.



عرض البوم صور GKarima  
قديم 06-12-07, 03:56 PM   المشاركة رقم: 75
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 15026
المشاركات: 10,594
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: GKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالقGKarima عضو متالق
نقاط التقييم: 2934



GKarima غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : GKarima المنتدى : الارشيف

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

Dressed, Sam combed Gabriela's curls, pinning some up, leaving others down until Gabriela looked like the princess she'd always wanted to be. And Sam, looking at her reflection in the mirror, thought simple was best and drew her long hair into a loose knot at her nape, before softening the style by pulling a few tendrils out. A little makeup, just a touch, and then pale gold shoes and gold and pearl chandelier earrings on her ears and she was ready.

Then just as Sam turned away from the mirror, a whooshof air danced across the room. Both Sam and Gabby turned toward the balcony's open doors. A breeze was blowing the curtains at the windows and the white silky sheers fluttered.

"There they go," Gabby said, turning to Sam. "Our angels rushing through the sky."

And as the sheers fluttered again, Sam could almost picture Cabby's angels hurrying through the night.

Cristiano met them in the garden on the point. Wearing a classic black dinner jacket and slacks with an elegant white dress shirt, he looked gorgeous, and relaxed- But it was more than re*laxed, Sam thought, taking Gabby's hand as they approached Cristiano and the officiate. He looked..,happy. There was no music, no processional, no ceremony to hide behind, and for that, Sam was grateful.

She hadn't wanted any*thing that would detract from what they were doing. Or why they were doing it. Today was all about Gabby. They were starting a new life as a family, and they were putting Gabby first because it was a good and right thing to do.

Despite that knowledge, Sam felt a flurry of nerves as the vows were recited. She couldn't believe she was going to do this. She couldn't believe she was going to get married again. It was ludicrous. And thrilling.

She was stunned and overwhelmed. Hopeful and terrified. Nervous, emotional, tearful.

My God. She felt like a real bride.

And then the brief ceremony was over and a heavy ring weighted her finger and it was done.

They were married. Man and wife. Cristiano moved closer. He tipped her chin up to kiss her and Sam heard cheers and whis*tling but he then hesitated, his mouth so close to hers she could feel his warmth and smell his spicy clean fragrance.

Then she saw his lips curve and that brief, faint smile said ev*erything and heat coursed through her. That smile of his was al*ways her undoing, making her face burn and her lower lip throb and her body feel heavy and empty in a way it never had before. Then his head dropped and his lips covered hers and she felt a flare of bright white heat, her lips tingling.

The kiss was magical—sharp, hot, intense—and she was no longer at the villa but transported somewhere else, someplace that felt like heaven on earth. His arms circled her, brought her close, brought her against his hard frame and she felt him in a way she'd never felt him before.

He was so big, strong, and the shape of his body was new to her but welcome.

Sighing, she pressed closer and as his hand lingered low on her back shivers raced up and down her spine and she didn't want the kiss to ever end.

She'd never thought a man could make a woman feel so ten*der and so eager and so beautiful and so alive.

And then Cristiano was lifting his head and a trumpet sounded, followed by a violin and then an accordion. Tears filled Sam's eyes as she realized it was the villa staff members play*ing for them, the staff who'd brought instruments from home to give them music. The music was bright and joyful, celebratory and bittersweet and it was so unexpected, and so touching, that Sam couldn't hold the tears back.

"Signora Bartolo," Cristiano murmured, running his thumb be*neath her eyes to dry her tears, "my staff and I welcome you home,"

And with his arm still around her, he turned her to face his staff who'd gathered at the edge of the garden, many wearing their very best clothes, their faces wreathed with pleasure and tears continued to fill Sam's eyes.

"Grazie,"she said to Cristiano. "Merci"she said to the French-speaking staff. And it was as beautiful a wedding day as she could have ever imagined.

But the celebration didn't end there. The villa's chef outdid himself preparing their wedding dinner. Considering there were only three of them, and one was a sleepy little girl, it was a gor*geous meal started off with hors d'ouvres of caviar and sour cream on blini, followed by mignon of beef tenderloin with gar*lic roasted eggplant and tomato basil brochette, and then finished with mixed greens with lobster, grilled artichoke hearts and car*rots.

"This it too much food," Sam protested as the courses kept coming and Gabriella wandered away to locate Marcelle and find something more interesting to do than eat.

"As you can tell, Chef Sacchi is delighted you've decided to join our family."

They were sitting in the dining room and normally it was a huge formal space but villa staff had hung white and aqua chiffon panels from the ceiling creating a romantic tent. White lights were wrapped around bare tree branches and candles and white orchids glowed in the table center.

Cristiano took her hand, lifted it to his lips, "I'm delighted you've joined our family, although it's a very small family."

Sam's heart lurched at the brush of his lips across her skin. "Small families are good. Not quite so intimidating."

"Your family was small, too."


"But at least we know family's important" Cristiano added, turning her hand over to kiss the inside of her wrist.

His kiss on her wrist was like fire licking her veins. She shiv*ered, breathless, heart thumping, tension growing. She was scared. Scared of all she didn't know. Scared of all she'd never had. Scared of all she'd never done right.

And as his lips traveled across her inner wrist again, the fire raced from her wrist to her belly and legs, making her ache in places she hadn't thought she could ache. Somehow he made her feel so empty, empty and restless and she didn't know how to quiet the need.

She felt his gaze and sucked in a breath as she looked up into his face. In his eyes she saw hunger and interest.

He wanted her.

Sam shuddered again, goose bumps covered her skin. Her mouth dried, her heart slowed and it took an effort to clear her head, gather her thoughts, and put a tight leash on her emotions.

"After we cut the cake, we'll be leaving the villa" Cristiano said, releasing her hand to refill her wineglass. "I've had our staff pack you an overnight bag so there's nothing you have to do."

"We're leaving the villa?"

"We can't very well honeymoon here,"

"A honeymoon," she echoed faintly.

His gaze narrowed slightly, his expression revealing amuse*ment. "It is our wedding night."

Oh, yes, back to all the things she didn't know. Sam's pulse quickened, fueled by nerves and fear and adrenaline. "What about Gabby?"

"Marcelle will be staying with her and all the villa staff dote on her. We won't be gone long. Just a night or two."

A night or two. Alone, all alone, with Cristiano. It wasn't a death sentence but it was terrifying.

Sam's head swam and it had nothing to do with the Pinot Noir they were drinking.

But before Sam could dissolve into puddles of panic, Chef Sacchi appeared from the kitchen rolling out a trolley with the most gorgeous three-tiered wedding cake Sam had ever seen.



عرض البوم صور GKarima  

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