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قديم 03-12-07, 09:27 PM   المشاركة رقم: 16
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Mar 2007
العضوية: 26409
المشاركات: 155
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: CUTE ROSE عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 49



CUTE ROSE غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : CUTE ROSE المنتدى : الارشيف


JUAN C RAFAEL VALDEZ entered the world two weeks early, following a long labour which necessitated delivery by Caesarean section. Much to the relief of his father, who appeared ready to tear obstetrician and nursing staff limb from limb, and the bemused acceptance of his mother.
He squalled loud and long, stopping only when he was placed in his mother’s arms, whereupon he yawned and promptly went to sleep.
Displaying his mother’s relaxed temperament, Danielle sweetly reminded Rafe, despite bearing a striking resemblance to his father.
A comment which earned her a dark, brooding look that couldn’t quite reach amusement for the lurking anxiety still prevalent from the birth.
A more doting father would be difficult to find, Danielle mused as she watched Rafe settle Juan Carlos into the crook of his arm at the christening.
In the three months of his short life, their son had become the centre of their universe.
‘I think,’ Danielle said as she gazed fondly down at her son, ‘he needs a sister. Or a brother.’ Her lashes swept up as she glimpsed the shock momentarily evident in her husband’s features. ‘Otherwise he’ll be impossibly spoiled.’ She offered him a witching smile. ‘As an only child, I always longed for a brother or sister.’ She paused fractionally, and aimed for guile. ‘Didn’t you?’
His voice was a soft growl which she chose to ignore. ‘Can’t you just picture a little girl? Lovely dark curls, bright eyes, and the cutest smile?’
‘Amada, no.’ He was drowning here. ‘Not yet, I don’t think I could bear to—’
‘See me in pain?’ she finished. ‘What nonsense. Women have been bearing babes since the beginning of time. Besides, the obstetrician advised a Caesarean section would be necessary for all future deliveries.’
All? They were going to need to have a serious discussion.
‘We’ll talk about it later,’ Danielle murmured as the photographer assembled them together with Ariane for a family shot.
Later was long after the guests departed, dinner with Ariane had concluded, Juan Carlos had been fed, changed and settled for the night, and they were alone.
‘Our time, querida,’ Rafe accorded, drawing her into his arms. His lips nuzzled the sensitive curve at the edge of her neck, and had the pleasure of feeling her pulse leap at his touch.
‘It’s been a long day.’ A beautiful day, filled with joy and pride, laughter and love. But nothing com pared with the love she had for this man.
He was everything she could want, all she’d ever need.
She captured his head and brought his mouth down to hers. ‘I love you.’
Her voice was husky with emotion, and his heart thudded to a quickened beat as he slid his hands to her buttocks and curved her into him.
He wanted her to feel what she did to him, to know even on the most base level what there was between them.
His mouth sought hers in a kiss that was surprisingly gentle, until she moved sinuously against him, and then there was hunger, raw, primitive, emotive.
It wasn’t enough. It was never enough, and they helped each other shed their clothes, discarding them where they fell.
What followed was a ravishment of the senses, and afterwards they lay curled into each other, spent and gloriously alive.
A cry sounded through the baby monitor, and they both stilled as it was followed by another, and soon became a wail.
‘I’ll go.’ Rafe released her and slid to his feet shrugged into a robe, and disappeared through to the nursery.
He was gone a while, and, curious, Danielle grabbed up her robe and followed him.
There, seated in the rocking-chair, was Rafe with his son cradled against his chest. Juan Carlos had his head tucked into his father’s shoulder, and was fast asleep.
‘It was wind,’ Rafe informed softly. ‘I changed him.’
‘And found it hard to put him down.’
His smile almost undid her. ‘You know me too well.’
‘What would the business sector have to say about a hard-headed negotiator known for his unrelenting stance if they could see you now?’ she teased.
His eyes gleamed with humour. ‘They’d envy me for being one of the luckiest men in the world.’ And knew it to be true.
He rose carefully to his feet and transferred his son into the cot, then covered him with such tenderness it made her heart ache.
Juan Carlos didn’t stir, and together they dimmed the night-light and moved quietly from the nursery.
In their room Rafe sat on the bed, angling his legs so he could draw her close.
Danielle laid her cheek on the top of his head and wound her arms around his shoulders. ‘Are you so against having another child?’
‘I think only of you, amada,’ he said quietly, and felt her arms tighten around him.
‘This is a beautiful home, with lovely grounds. Can’t you just see three or four dark-haired children enjoying the advantages we can provide for them?’ she queried wistfully.
He could deny her nothing. His life had never been complete until she came into it. And love.. .dear heaven, what it was to love such a woman, and have that love returned.
‘A year, querida,’ he qualified. ‘Let us have a year to enjoy our son, before we add to our family.’
She brushed her lips to his forehead. ‘hmm, I love the way you compromise.’
He lifted his head and directed her a teasing glance. ‘Only compromise, amante?’
She tilted her head to one side. ‘Oh, I can think of another thing or two you’re quite good at.’
‘Quite, huh? Obviously I need to work on my technique.’
Danielle slanted her mouth to his, and slid the edge of her tongue along his lower lip, dipped inside briefly, then withdrew an inch or two. ‘As in, beginning now?’
‘Take that as a given, ma mujer.’ He captured her face in his hands. ‘All the days of my life.’
‘Only days?’
‘Sassy,’ he accorded. ‘Definitely sassy.’
‘But you love me.’
His expression sobered, and the humorous gleam evident was replaced by naked sincerity.
‘With all my heart.’
‘Gracias,’ she responded huskily, and leant into him, gifting him everything in a kiss that reached right down to his soul.
There was a part of him that would always be hard and unyielding, but not with her, never with her. She held the very heart of him, and she intended to treat the gift with the greatest of care.. .for the rest of her life.



عرض البوم صور CUTE ROSE  
قديم 03-12-07, 09:34 PM   المشاركة رقم: 17
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Mar 2007
العضوية: 26409
المشاركات: 155
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: CUTE ROSE عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 49



CUTE ROSE غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : CUTE ROSE المنتدى : الارشيف



Soooorry if I let u waiting for the rest of the novel but I had a problem in my PC....

I hope u enjoy it very much........



عرض البوم صور CUTE ROSE  

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