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الأغاني الأجنبيه English Songs mp3

لازم لازم لازم لازم تسمعوها Timbaland

ما في احلى من الموسيقى مع ال beats اسمعوها وقولو شو رايكم رابط التنزيل :friends: -Lyrics- Yeah!... yeah!... remember the time,

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قديم 28-06-07, 09:42 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
ليلاس متقدم

التسجيل: Feb 2007
العضوية: 23553
المشاركات: 1,041
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: Bugs Bunny عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 29



Bugs Bunny غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الأغاني الأجنبيه English Songs
Love لازم لازم لازم لازم تسمعوها Timbaland


ما في احلى من الموسيقى مع ال beats

اسمعوها وقولو شو رايكم

رابط التنزيل




Yeah!... yeah!... remember the time, baby... yeah!

[Bridge - Keri Hilson]
(Oh) Baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go and touch, you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
Work it out 'til we get it right

[Verse 1 - Timbaland]
I ain't got no money
I ain't got no car to take you on a date
I can't even buy you flowers
But together we could be the perfect soulmates
Talk to me girl

(Oh) Baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go and touch, you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
Work it out 'til we get it right

[Chorus] - Keri Hilson & (D.O.E)
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are
(I'm about to strip and I want it quick
Can you handle me the way I are?)
I don't need the G's or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like, I like, I like...

[Verse 2 - Timbaland]
I ain't got no Visa
I ain't got no Red American Express
We can't go nowhere exotic
It don't matter 'cause I'm the one that loves you best
Talk to me girl

[Bridge 2 - Keri Hilson]
Oh, baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go and touch, you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
Work it out 'til we get it right

[Chorus] - Keri Hilson & (D.O.E)
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are
(I'm about to strip and I want it quick
Can you handle me the way I are?)
I don't need the G's or the car keys
Boy I like you just the way you are
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip
'Cause I like you just the way you are

[Verse 3 - D.O.E.]
Baby girl, I don't got a huge ol' house I rent a room in a house
Listen baby girl, I ain't got a motorboat but I can float ya boat
So listen baby girl, once you get a dose of D.O.E. you gon' want some mo'
So listen baby girl, when I'm naked I want you there, want you there, yeah.



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