المنتدى :
الأغاني الأجنبيه English Songs
عن المطربة الايرانية الجميلة جوجوش جيل السبعينيات
اذا كان زمانكم حرمكم من الاستماع الى اجمل الاصوات
فهاهى فرصة لامتعاكم باجمل صوت عاش فى ايران المطربة جوجوش الايرانية
Googoosh is a popular singer actress, and by the 70s was considered the most celebrated recording artist in Iran{cn}. In addition to music, Googoosh has also acted in several films of the 1960s and 1970s; however, her popularity as a singer has always eclipsed any of her on-screen performances. She remained in Iran from 1979 to 2000 during the Iranian Revolution, but did not perform due to the ban on female singing. Her silence added to her enduring popularity during that time[citation needed]. Outside of Iran, she continues to have a wide following in many Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries{cn}. She currently resides in California, USA and continues her career, albeit in a limited manner. In a contrast to her earlier music, her recent albums are thought to address more mature subjects.And more...
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مشرف منتدى الكتاب ![Lillas الايرانية السبعينيات](images/smilies/lillas.jpg)
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