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Monthly e romantic publication Monthly e romantic publication

Harlequin Historical

Harlequin Historiacal, Historical Subscription & Undone 2007 novels link Titles - Paula Marshall - The Black Sheep's Bride Amanda McCabe - - A

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نسخ للمنتديات
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 27-12-14, 02:20 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Historical


Harlequin Historiacal, Historical Subscription & Undone

novels link


[The Elizabethan Season 04] - Paula Marshall - The Black Sheep's Bride
Amanda McCabe - [Renaisance 01] - A Notorious Woman
Anne Ashley - Betrayed and Betrothed
Blythe Gifford - The Harlot's Daughter
Carla Kelly - Beau Crusoe
Carol Finch - [Hawk 02] - Fletcher's Woman
Carol Finch - McCavett's Bride
Carol Townend - The Novice Bride
Charlene Sands - Bodine's Bounty
Cheryl St. John - The Lawman's Bride
Cheryl St. John - The Preacher's Daughter
Cheryl St. John, Jenna Kernan & Pam Crooks - A Western Winter Wonderland
Christine Merrill - An Unladylike Offer
Claire Thornton - [City of Flames 02] - The Abducted Heiress
Claire Thornton - [City of Flames 03] - The Vagabond Duchess
Debra Cowan - [Whirlwind Texas 04] - Whirlwind Baby
Denise Lynn - [Falcon 04] - Falcon's Heart
Denise Lynn - Bedded by Her Lord
Denise Lynn - Commanded to His Bed
Diane Gaston - Innocence and Impropriety
Elizabeth Bailey - A Trace of Memory
Elizabeth Beacon - An Innocent Courtesan
Elizabeth Lane - The Stranger
Elizabeth Rolls - [Blakehurst02] - A Compromised Lady
Emily Bascom - The Rogue's Kiss
Gail Ranstrom - Lord Libertine
Georgina Devon - Her Rebel Lord
Georgina Devon - The Rake's Redemption
Helen Dickson - His Rebel Bride
Helen Dickson - Rogue's Widow, Gentleman's Wife
Helen Dickson - Wicked Pleasures
Jenna Kernan - High Plains Bride
Juliet Landon - Dishonor and Desire
Juliet Landon - Warlord's Mistress
Kate Bridges - [Yukon Gold Rush 01] - Klondike Doctor
Kate Bridges - [Yukon Gold Rush 02] - Klondike Wedding
Kathryn Albright - The Angel and the Outlaw
Louise Allen - A Most Unconventional Courtship
Louise Allen - Virgin Slave, Barbarian King
Lyn Randal - Tempted by Innocence
Lyn Randal - Warrior or Wife
Margaret McPhee - The Wicked Earl
Mary Brendan - [Meredith Sisters 01] - Wedding Night Revenge
Mary Brendan - [Meredith Sisters 02] - The Rake and the Rebel
Mary Brendan - A Practical Mistress
Mary Brendan - A Scandalous Marriage
Mary Brendan - The Unknown Wife
Mary Nichols - An Unusual Bequest
Mary Nichols - Bachelor Duke
Mary Nichols - Dear Deceiver
Mary Nichols - The Reluctant Escort
Meg Alexander - Her Gentleman Protector
Michelle Styles - [Related 02] - The Roman's Virgin Mistress
Michelle Styles - A Christmas Wedding Wager
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 01] - Her Irish Warrior
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 02] - The Warrior's Touch
Miranda Jarrett - [Love on the Grand Tour 02] - Seduction of an English Beauty
Nicola Cornick, Margaret McPhee & Miranda Jarrett - Christmas Wedding Belles
Pam Crooks - Untamed Cowboy
Paula Marshall - Major Chancellor's Mission
Paula Marshall - The Daring Duchess
Sophia James - Ashblane's Lady
Stacey Kayne - [Wild 01] - Mustang Wild
Stacey Kayne - Bride Of Shadow Canyon
Terri Brisbin - [The MacLerie Clan 02] - The Earl's Secret


Juliet Landon - [Ladies of Paradise Road 01] - A Scandalous Mistress
Lynna Banning - Crusader's Lady
Sophia James - Masquerading Mistress
Meg Alexander - The Matchmaker's Marriage
[The Elizabeth Season 02] - Anne Herries - The Adventurer's Wife
Anne Herries - [The Melford Dynasty 01] - Forbidden Lady
June Francis - Rowan's Revenge

In Epub and Mobi already organized with summary on every ebook

Harlequin Historical Harlequin Historical Harlequin Historical



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 27-12-14, 02:42 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
لوشة العزاوي
الناقد المميز
عضو في فريق الترجمة

التسجيل: Feb 2011
العضوية: 218307
المشاركات: 20,936
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: لوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميع
نقاط التقييم: 87655



لوشة العزاوي غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي رد: Harlequin Historical

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

كلكشن رائع

شكرا اختي



عرض البوم صور لوشة العزاوي   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-14, 03:33 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Historical 2008


Harlequin Historical, Historical Subscription & Undone

Novels link

Titles :

Amanda McCabe - [Renaissance Trilogy 03.5] - Shipwrecked and Seduced
Amanda McCabe - A Sinful Alliance
Anne Ashley - Lady Gwendolen Investigates
Anne Ashley - Lord Hawkridges Secret
Anne Herries - [The Hellfire Mysteries 01] - An Improper Companion
Anne Herries - [The Hellfire Mysteries 02] - A Wealthy Widow
Anne Herries - [The Hellfire Mysteries 03] - A Worthy Gentleman
Anne Herries - [The Melford Dynasty 02] - The Lord's Forced Bride
Anne Herries - [The Melford Dynasty 03] - Her Dark and Dangerous Lord
Annie Burrows - Notorious Lord, Compromised Miss
Blythe Gifford - Innocence Unveiled
Bronwyn Scott - [Ramsden 01] - Notorious Rake, Innocent Lady
Bronwyn Scott - Libertine Lord, Pickpocket Miss
Bronwyn Scott - Pickpocket Countess
Carol Finch - Cooper's Woman
Carol Finch - The Bounty Hunter and the Heiress
Carol Townend - [Wessex Weddings 01] - An Honorable Rogue
Carol Townend - [Wessex Weddings 02] - His Captive Lady
Catherine March - The King's Champion
Catherine March - The Knights Vow
Charlene Sands - Taming the Texan
Cheryl St. John - Her Montana Man
Christine Merrill - The Mistletoe Wager
Deb Marlowe - An Improper Aristocrat
Deb Marlowe - Scandalous Lord, Rebellious Miss
Diana Gaston - The Vanishing Viscountess
Diane Gaston - Scandalizing the Ton
Dorothy Elbury - An Unconventional Miss
Elizabeth Beacon - A Less Than Perfect Lady
Elizabeth Beacon - Housemaid Heiress
Elizabeth Lane - On the Wings of Love
Elizabeth Lane - The Borrowed Bride
Emily May - The Earl's Dilemma
Francesca Shaw - A Scandalous Lady
Gail Ranstrom - Unlacing Lilly
Georgia Devon - Betrayal
Helen Dickson - A Scoundrel of Consequence
Jenna Kernan - Outlaw Bride
Jillian Hart, Kate Bridges & Charlene Sands - Western Weddings
Joanne Rock - A Knight Most Wicked
Julia Justiss - [Wellingford 03] - A Most Unconventional Match
Julia Justiss - [Wellingford 04] - Christmas Wedding Wish
Julia Justiss, Terri Brisbin & Annie Burrows - One Candlelit Christmas
June Francis - Tamed by the Barbarian
Kate Bridges - [Yukon Gold Rush 03] - Klondike Fever
Kate Bridges - [Yukon Gold Rush 04] - Shotgun Vows
Kathryn Albright - [Texas Alamo 01] - The Rebel and the Lady
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 01] - The Dangerous Mr. Ryder
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 02] - The Outrageous Lady Felsham
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 03] - The Shocking Lord Standon
Louise Allen - No Place For a Lady
Lynna Banning - Templar Knight, Forbidden Bride
Margaret McPhee - Untouched Mistress
Margaret Moore - [Kiss Me 03] - A Lover's Kiss
Mary Brendan - The Wanton Bride
Mary Nichols - Talk of the Ton
Mary Nichols - Working Man, Society Bride
Michelle Styles - Taken by the Viking
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 01] - Her Warrior Slave
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 03] - Her Warrior King
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 05.5] - The Viking's Forbidden Love-Slave
Nicola Cornick - The Last Rake in London
Nicola Cornick - The Unmasking of Lady Loveless
Pam Crook - Kidnapped by the Cowboy
Patricia Frances Rowell - An Impetuous Abduction
Paula Marshall - Lord Hadleigh's Rebellion
Paula Marshall - The Devil and Drusilla
Sarah Elliott - The Wayward Debutante
Sarah Mallory - More Than a Governess
Sophia James - [The Wellingham Brothers 01] - High Seas to High Society
Stacey Kayne - [Wild 02] - Maverick Wild
Stacey Kayne - The Gunslinger's Untamed Bride
Sylvia Andrew - Eleanor
Terri Brisbin - [The MacLerie Clan 03] - Surrender to the Highlander
Terri Brisbin - [The MacLerie Clan 04] - Possessed by the Highlander
Terri Brisbin - [The MacLerie Clan 05] - Blame It On The Mistletoe

Missing :
Victoria Bylin, Carolyn Davidson & Cheryl St. John - The Magic of Christmas
Denise Lynn, Christine Merrill & Lisa Plumey - Hallowe'en Husbands
Deborah Simmons - [The Marchants 01] - The Dark Viscount

In Epub and Mobi already organized and with the summary on every ebook



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-14, 03:40 PM   المشاركة رقم: 4
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Historical 2009


Harlequin Historical, Historical Subscription & Undone 2009

Novels link

Titles :

Amanda McCabe - [Renaissance 03] - High Seas Stowaway
Amanda McCabe - The Maid's Lover
Amanda McCabe - The Winter Queen
Ann Lethbridge - The Rake's Inherited Courtesan
Ann Lethbridge - The Rake's Intimate Encounter
Anne Ashley - The Transformation of Miss Ashworth
Anne Herries - [The Horne Sisters 01] - Marianne and the Marquis
Anne Herries - [The Horne Sisters 02] - Married by Christmas
Anne Herries - [The Horne Sisters 03] - Marrying Captain Jack
Anne Herries - The Unknown Heir
Anne O'Brien - Conquering Knight, Captive Lady
Annie Burrows - The Earl's Untouched Bride
Blythe Gifford - In the Masters Bed
Bronwyn Scott - Pleasured by the English Spy
Bronwyn Scott - The Viscount Claims His Bride
Carla Kelly - [Related 2 01] - Marrying the Captain
Carla Kelly - [Related 2 02] - The Surgeon's Lady
Carol Finch - Texas Ranger, The Runaway Heiress
Carol Finch, Elizabeth Lane & Pam Crooks - Cowboy Christmas
Carol Townend - Runaway Lady, Conquering Lord
Carole Mortimer - [Notorious St. Claires 00] - At The Duke's Service
Carole Mortimer - [Notorious St. Claires 01] The Duke's Cinderella Bride
Carole Mortimer - [Notorious St. Claires 02] - The Rake's Wicked Proposal
Cheryl St. John - Her Colorado Man
Christine Marrill - A Wicked Liaison
Deb Marlowe - Her Cinderella Season
Deborah Simmons - [The deBurghs 07] - Reynold de Burgh, The Dark Knight
Denise Lynn - Bedded by the Warrior
Diane Gaston - [Three Soldiers 01] - Gallant Officer, Forbidden Lady
Diane Gaston - The Unlacing of Miss Leigh
Diane Gaston, Deb Marlowe & Amanda McCabe - The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor
Dorothy Elbury - A Marriageable Miss
Dorothy Elbury - The Major and the Country Miss
Elizabeth Beacon - Rebellious Rake, Innocent Governess
Elizabeth Lane - His Substitute Bride
Elizabeth Rolls - [Marrying the Governess 01] - Lord Braybrook's Penniless Bride
Emily Bascom - Major Westhaven's Unwilling Ward
Helen Dickson - Marrying Miss Monkton
Helen Dickson - Scandalous Secret, Defiant Bride
Helen Dickson - Seducing Miss Lockwood
Helen Dickson - The Defiant Debutante
Helen Dickson - Traitor Or Temptress
Jenna Kernan - Sierra Bride
Jillian Hart & Judith Stacy & Stacey Kayne - Stetsons, Spring and Wedding Rings
Joanna Fulford - [Victorious Vikings 01] - The Vikings Defiant Bride
Joanna Maitland - [Aikenhead Honours 01] - His Cavalry Lady
Joanna Maitland - [Aikenhead Honours 02] - His Reluctant Mistress
Joanna Maitland - [Aikenhead Honours 03] - His Forbidden Liason
Joanna Maitland - His Silken Seduction
Joanne Rock - Night of Wicked Delight
Joanne Rock - The Knight's Return
Julia Justiss - From Waif to Gentleman's Wife
Juliet Landon - The Rake's Unconventional Mistress
June Francis - His Runaway Maiden
June Francis - Rebel Lady, Convenient Wife
Kate Bridges - [Alaska 01] - Wanted in Alaska
Kate Bridges - [Alaska 02] - Alaskan Renegade
Kate Welsh - Questions of Honor
Kathryn Albright - [Texas Alamo 02] - Texas Wedding for Their Baby's
Kathrynn Dennis - Awakening His Lady
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 04] - The Disgraceful Mr. Ravenhurst
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 05] - The Notorious Mr. Hurst
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 06] - The Piratical Miss Ravenhurst
Louise Allen - [Those Scandalous Ravenhursts 07] - Disrobed and Dishonored
Lyn Stone, Carla Kelly & Gail Ranstrom - A Regency Christmas
Margaret Moore - [Kiss Me 04] - The Viscount's Kiss
Margaret Moore - The Welsh Lord's Mistress
Marguerite Kaye - The Captain's Wicked Wager
Mary Nichols - A Desirable Husband
Mary Nichols - Rags to Riches Bride
Mary Nichols - Runaway Miss
Meriel Fuller - The Damsel's Defiance
Michelle Styles - The Viking's Captive Princess
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 04.5] - The Warrior's Forbidden Virgin
Nicola Cornick - Kidnapped, His Innocent Mistress
Pam Crooks - The Cattleman's Unsuitable Wife
Paula Marshall - Jack Compton's Luck
Pleasurably Undone! - Christine Merrill, Michelle Wil
Sarah Mallory - The Wicked Baron
Sophia James - Mistletoe Magic
Sophia James - The Border Lord
Stacey Kayne [Wild 03] - Mountain Wild
Sylvia Andrew - Francesca
Terri Brisbin - [The Knights Of Brittany 01] - A Night For Her Pleasure
Terri Brisbin - [The Knights of Brittany 02] - The Conqueror's Lady

Missing :
Elizabeth Beacon - Captain Langthorne's Proposal

In Epub and Mobi already organazed and with summary for every ebook



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-14, 06:11 PM   المشاركة رقم: 5
عاشقة الروايات الاجنبية

التسجيل: Apr 2007
العضوية: 26861
المشاركات: 3,037
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Elaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسيElaina عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 7468



Elaina غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Elaina المنتدى : Monthly e romantic publication
افتراضي Harlequin Historical 2010


Harlequin Historical, Historical Subscription & Undone

novels link


[Anthology] - Cheryl St. John, Jenna Kernan & Charlene Sands - Western Winter Wedding Bells
[Anthology] - Christine Merrill, Michelle Willingham, Louise Allen, Terri Brisbin & Diane Gaston - Pleasuraly Undone!
[Anthology] - Gayle Wilson, Amanda McCabe & Carole Mortimer - Regency Christmas Proposals
[Anthology] - Jillian Hart, Carolyn Davidson & Kate Bridges - Mail-Order Marriages
[Regency Silk And Scandals 0.5] - Christine Merrill - Taming Her Gypsy Lover
[Regency Silk And Scandals 01] - Louise Allen - The Lord and the Wayward Lady
[Regency Silk And Scandals 02] - Christine Merrill - Paying the Virgin's Price
[Regency Silk And Scandals 03] - Julia Justiss - The Smuggler and the Society Bride
[Regency Silk And Scandals 04] - Gayle Wilson - Claiming the Forbidden Bride
[Regency Silk And Scandals 05] - Annie Burrows - The Viscount and the Virgin
[Regency Silk And Scandals 06] - Margaret McPhee - Unlacing the Innocent Miss
[Regency Silk And Scandals 07] - Louise Allen - The Officer and the Proper Lady
Amanda McCabe - [Muses of Mayfair 0.5] - To Bed a Libertine
Amanda McCabe - [Muses of Mayfair 01] - To Catch a Rogue
Amanda McCabe - [Muses of Mayfair 02] - To Deceive a Duke
Amanda McCabe - [Muses of Mayfair 03] - To Kiss A Count
Amanda McCabe - To Court, Capture and Conquer
Amelia Casey - Taken by the Highwayman
Ann Lethbridge - [Three Sexy Rakes 01.5] - Wicked Rake, Defiant Mistress
Ann Lethbridge - [Three Sexy Rakes 01] - The Laird and the Wanton Widow
Ann Lethbridge - [Three Sexy Rakes 03] - Unmasking Lady Innocent
Anne Ashley - The Viscount's Scandalous Return
Anne Herries - Bought for the Harem
Anne Herries - Ransom Bride
Anne Herries - Secret Heiress
Anne Herries - The Fugitive Countess
Anne O'Brien - Chosen for the Marriage Bed
Annie Burrows - A Countess by Christmas
Barbara Monajem - Notorious Eliza
Blythe Gifford - His Border Bride
Bronwyn Scott - [Ramsden 02] - The Earl's Forbidden Ward
Bronwyn Scott - [Ramsden 03] - Untamed Rogue, Scandalous Mistress
Bronwyn Scott - Arabian Nights with a Rake
Bronwyn Scott - Wicked Earl, Wanton Widow
Carla Kelly - [Related-2 03] - Marrying the Royal Marine
Carol Finch - Bandit Lawman, Texas Bride
Carol Finch - The Kansas Lawman's Proposal
Carol Townend - [Wessex Weddings 03] - Her Banished Lord
Carole Mortimer - [Notorious St. Claires 03] - The Rogue's Disgraced Lady
Carole Mortimer - [Notorious St. Claires 04] - Lady Arabella's Scandalous Marriage
Carole Mortimer - Convenient Wife, Pleasured Lady
Christine Merrill - Miss Winthorpe's Elopement
Deborah Simmons - The Gentleman's Quest
Debra Cowan - [Whirlwind Texas 05] - Whirlwind Secrets
Diane Gaston - [Three Soldiers 03] - Chivalrous Captain, Rebel Mistress
Elizabeth Beacon - The Rake of Hollowhurst Castle
Elizabeth Lane - [Brides 01] - The Horseman's Bride
Emily May - Beauty and the Scarred Hero
Emily May - The Unmasking of a Lady
Gail Ranstrom - A Rake by Midnight
Helen Dickson - Diamonds, Deception and the Debutante
Helen Dickson - Forbidden Lord
Jeannie Lin - [The Tang Dynasty 01] - [Butterfly Swords 0.5] - The Taming of Mei Lin
Jeannie Lin - [The Tang Dynasty 02] - [Butterfly Swords 01] - Butterfly Swords
Jenna Kernan - His Dakota Captive
Joanna Maitland - Bride of the Solway
Joanna Maitland - Delight and Desire
Joanna Maitland - The Earl's Mistletoe Bride
Joanne Rock - Summoned for Seduction
Joanne Rock - The Virgin's Pursuit
June Francis - Pirate's Daughter, Rebel Wife
Kate Bridges - [Alaska 03] - Her Alaskan Groom
Kate Bridges - [Alaska 04] - Alaska Bride On the Run
Kate Welsh - His Californian Countess
Lauri Robinson - Her Midnight Cowboy
Lauri Robinson - Wedding Night With the Ranger
Lisa Plumley - [Morrow Creek 01] - Mail-Order Groom
Louise Allen - The Viscount's Betrothal
Margaret Moore - [Regency Highland 01] - Highland Rogue, London Miss
Marguerite Kaye - Bitten by Desire
Marguerite Kaye - Temptation is the Night
Marguerite Kaye - The Highlander and the Sea Siren
Mary Nichols - The Earl and the Hoyden
Meriel Fuller - The Warrior's Princess Bride
Michelle Styles - A Noble Captive
Michelle Styles - A Question of Impropriety
Michelle Styles - An Impulsive Debutante
Michelle Styles - Sold and Seduced
Michelle Willingham - [Accidental 0.5] - An Accidental Seduction
Michelle Willingham - [Accidental 01] - The Accidental Countess
Michelle Willingham - [Accidental 02] - The Accidental Princess
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 05.5] - The Viking's Forbidden Love-Slave
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 06.5] - Delectably Undone, Pleasured By The Viking
Michelle Willingham - [MacEgan Brothers 06] - Surrender To An Irish Warrior
Michelle Willingham - Innocent In The Harem
Pam Crooks - The Lawman's Redemption
Sarah Elliott - The Earl and the Governess
Sarah Mallory - The Earl's Runaway Bride
Sarah Mallory - Wicked Captain, Wayward Wife
Sophia James - [Wellingham Series 02] - One Unashamed Night
Terri Brisbin - [The Knights of Brittany 03] - The Mercenary's Bride

Carol Finch - Lady Renegade
Denise Lynn - Pregnant by the Warrior
Elizabeth Rolls - A Scandalous Liaison
Ann Lethbridge - [Three Sexy Rakes 02] - One Night as a Courtesan
Ashley Radcliff - The Samurai's Forbidden Touch
Mary Nichols - Honourable Doctor, Improper Arrangement
Anne Herries - The Homeless Heiress

In Epub and Mobi already organized and with a summary for every ebook



عرض البوم صور Elaina   رد مع اقتباس
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