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لعبة السباق Need for Speed 4 High Stakes بحجم 160 ميجا

لعبة السباق Need for Speed 4 High Stakes بحجم 160 ميجا Need for Speed: High Stakes includes visible car damage that affects how your

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قديم 06-01-14, 03:54 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jul 2012
العضوية: 243962
المشاركات: 530
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: feistyman عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



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المنتدى : ألعاب PC
افتراضي لعبة السباق Need for Speed 4 High Stakes بحجم 160 ميجا


Need Speed High Stakes

لعبة السباق Need for Speed 4 High Stakes بحجم 160 ميجا

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need for Speed: High Stakes includes visible car damage that affects how your vehicle performs during a race. Hot Pursuit mode picks up where 1998's game left off, only this time you can play as the police and chase a series of speed-violators within a time limit. For every lawbreaker you nab, more seconds will be added to the clock. Special Events is a series of eight races, while Test Drive is a practice run to familiarize yourself with each available course.

- متطلبات التشغيل -

CPU: Pentium 3
Processor: 166 Mhz
Ram: 64MB
HDD: 300MB

- مساحة اللعبة 160 ميجا -

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes





Need Speed High Stakes

Need Speed High Stakes



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