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اجمل العاب الاكشن والقتال لاجهزة الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

Android Rtcw Touch v1.1.1 Return To Castle Wolfenstein'' is a registered trademark of Activision and id Software. All trademarks are used under the terms of Fair Use.

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التسجيل: Oct 2013
العضوية: 260100
المشاركات: 607
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: كريمك عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 44



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المنتدى : الجوال
افتراضي اجمل العاب الاكشن والقتال لاجهزة الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch


الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

Android Rtcw Touch v1.1.1

الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

Return To Castle Wolfenstein'' is a registered trademark of Activision and id Software. All trademarks are used under the terms of Fair Use. Screen shots are for demonstration purposes only.
NO RISK PURCHASE - As with all my apps, this has full money-back guarantee at ANY time.
Adapted from Pandora port by ptitSeb.
The is a port of the Single player game Return To Castle Wolfenstein (Multiplayer not yet supported).
I never played it when it first came out in 2002, but I have been playing it for the past few weeks while developing this port, and it is an awesome game! Check out the online reviews!
I have spent a lot of time getting the Touch screen controls as perfect as possible, some of the updates:
*Menu system items now touchable - no need to drag an on screen mouse .
*Auto soft keyboard when entering text, also moves textbox so not obscured keyboard.
*Added a new real autoaim feature for bullet weapons
*Sniper mode - hold down reload button to reduce look sensitivity, also good for binoculars.
*Pull down console in game
*3 ways to change weapon - Next/Prev button, Weapon Wheel, Number buttons
*Game Inventory fully accessible.
It features the best highly customisable controls available for any FPS.
Fully customize Touch screen controls:
*Move all game buttons
*Analog move and strafe
*Resize all game buttons
*Change sensitivity for all analog inputs
*Mouse mode or Joystick mode to turn
*Invert look up/down
*Optional double tap to Jump/Shoot
*Change controls transparency
*Map volume buttons to any game action
Gamepad support - customize all inputs and buttons, invert and change sensitivity.
Confirmed to work with (so far):
* XBOX 360 wired controller
* Moga Pro
* Moga Pocket
* Snakebyte
* Nyko Playpad
* Sony PS3 controller with the Sixaxis app.
It should work with most controllers, let me know if it works with yours!
To change gamepad axis sensitivity, long press on the axis on the Gamepad tab.
Please contact support if you are experiencing ANY difficulties. Thank you.
Please note: This game requires a reasonably powerful device, if you find it does not run well enough on your device let me know and I will issue a full refund.
To map the volume keys use the GAMEPAD tab.
*To enable cheats enter this into the Args: +set sv_cheats 1
*Hold down Reload button for sniper mode
*Go to Options->View and increase Crosshair size and Alpha
*Enable Dynamic Lights on fast devices


الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touchالاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch
الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touchالاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch

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الاندرويد Android Rtcw Touch



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