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الجوال جوال , برامج جوال , نوكيا ,سوني

البرنامج العملاق لتغيير أجهزة الاندرويد الى Android Windows 8

Android Windows 8 +Launcher v1.9.4 Live tiles for gmail, news, weather, twitter, calendar , etc with many configuration options Drag and drop tile groups to re-order/change

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قديم 28-10-13, 05:06 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Oct 2013
العضوية: 260100
المشاركات: 607
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: كريمك عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 44



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المنتدى : الجوال
افتراضي البرنامج العملاق لتغيير أجهزة الاندرويد الى Android Windows 8


البرنامج الاندرويد Android Windows

Android Windows 8 +Launcher v1.9.4

البرنامج الاندرويد Android Windows

Live tiles for gmail, news, weather, twitter, calendar , etc with many configuration options
Drag and drop tile groups to re-order/change the position of tiles.
Change icon/tile icon size using Menu >> Icon Size
Select the preferred country for news using Menu >> Prefs >> News Country and for stock market using Menu >> Prefs >> Stock Market
Power Control widget to on/off Wifi, Airplan mode, Bluetooth, ring mode, screen brightness, etc.
Click on icon/tile will bring up (launch) the associated app, (This application will try to associate most common applications like dialer, messsage, google play, etc) if you are clicking first time and no application is associated then list of all installed apps will be opened and you can associate any app of your wish to this tile.
Long Click on icon/tile to change the color, icon, application associated to tile. Following 3 options are available\n * Associate App - Change the launching app while keeping the same icon on home screen.\n * Change Color - Change background color of tile.\n * Change App - Change the launching app and icon will be replaced with app default icon on home screen.
Additional icons/tiles style which can be customized as per your need. Add/remove tiles from Menu >> Tiles
Weather Service : Based on your current location, local weather details are available.
Stock Market updates : Select your preferred Stock Market using Menu >> Misc >> Stock Market

البرنامج الاندرويد Android Windowsالبرنامج الاندرويد Android Windows

البرنامج الاندرويد Android Windowsالبرنامج الاندرويد Android Windows

البرنامج الاندرويد Android Windows










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لتغيير, أجهزة, android, الاندرويد, البرنامج, العملاق, windows

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