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ألعاب PC ألعاب

أقوى العاب المهمات العسكريه SWAT 4 Full version نسخه كامله بحجم 1.5 GB

أقوى العاب المهمات العسكريه SWAT 4 Full version نسخه كامله بحجم 1.5 GB he original SWAT game, released in 1995, was Daryl

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قديم 28-10-13, 05:43 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jul 2012
العضوية: 243962
المشاركات: 530
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: feistyman عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



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المنتدى : ألعاب PC
افتراضي أقوى العاب المهمات العسكريه SWAT 4 Full version نسخه كامله بحجم 1.5 GB


العسكريه SWAT Full version

أقوى العاب المهمات العسكريه SWAT 4 Full version نسخه كامله بحجم 1.5 GB

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

he original SWAT game, released in 1995, was Daryl F. Gates’ Police Quest: SWAT. Named after the former Los Angeles Police Chief who formed the world’s first SWAT team, the original SWAT and its sequel were actually strategy games. It wasn’t until SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle was released in 1999 that the series transitioned into the first-person-shooter genre. Throughout the years, each SWAT game has attempted to simulate what it’s like to lead the world’s most highly skilled and trained police officers into dangerous confrontations. It’s been more than five years since the last SWAT, and the newest iteration of the series is the best one yet, offering an intelligent and flexible interface, a varied and highly replayable campaign, as well as multiplayer modes that include cooperative play.

العسكريه SWAT Full version

Minimum System Requirements:

* Windows 98SE, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service Pack 1 / vesta /7/8
* DirectX® 9.0c
* 1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Celeron® 1.2 GHz, AMD® Athlon™ 1.2 GHz, or *****alent
* 256 MB RAM
* 32 MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), 64 MB ATI® Radeon™ 8500, or *****alent graphics card
* DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound device
* 2 GB hard drive space
* Windows®-compatible mouse

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

العسكريه SWAT Full version

اللعبه مقسمه على 2 رابط بمساحة 1.5 GB

العسكريه SWAT Full version


العسكريه SWAT Full version



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