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لعبة المغامرات Disney Hercules بحجم 19 ميجا

لعبة المغامرات Disney Hercules بحجم 19 ميجا Hercules Game Story: Hercules follows the same story-line from the animated film. Hercules is the son of Zeus,

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قديم 19-10-13, 07:21 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jul 2012
العضوية: 243962
المشاركات: 530
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: feistyman عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



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المنتدى : ألعاب PC
افتراضي لعبة المغامرات Disney Hercules بحجم 19 ميجا


المغامرات Disney Hercules

لعبة المغامرات Disney Hercules بحجم 19 ميجا

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

Hercules Game Story: Hercules follows the same story-line from the animated film. Hercules is the son of Zeus, who is stripped of his godhood & must prove that he is a true hero in order to regain his immortality, & join Zeus and the other gods on Mount Olympus. For this, Hercules has to pass several tasks & defeat many villains, & at the end, face Hades who is the ruler of the dead and is also responsible for Hercules' losing of his immortality.

System Requirements:

XP/ Vista/7/8
1.86 GHz Intel Processor
30 GB Hard Disk
Graphics Card 256 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

المغامرات Disney Hercules

مسـاحـة اللعبــه 19 ميجـا

المغامرات Disney Hercules



المغامرات Disney Hercules



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