السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
حبيت اشارككم بلعبة حبيتها جداااااااااااااا
طبعا هذي النسخة قديمة بس كل فترة راح اجيب لكم النسخ الي بعده
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: CPU( without 3D card* ): Pentium200MHz
VGA: DirectDraw supporting board (need to support DirectX6.1,X7 )
DX: Please use Direct X6.1 or higher
OS: Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98
Sound: Sound Card : Direct Sound supporting board ( need to support DirectX6.1,X7 )
Resolution: 640x480 dots or higher
Color (16bit)
ODD: CD-ROM: 4 times or faster
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium2 266MHz or higher
RAM: 64M or higher
VGA: DirectDraw supporting board (need to support DirectX6.1,X7 )
DX: Please use Direct X6.1 or higher
OS: Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98
HDD: 250MB or more
Sound: Direct Sound supporting board ( need to support DirectX6.1,X7 )
Resolution: 640x480 dots or higher
Color (16bit) or higher
ODD: CD-ROM: 8 times or faster
Recommended peripheral: Input device : Keyboard and Game pad (Microsoft SideWinder recommended )
Note: To play this game, your system must support both DirectSound and DirectDraw. Please confirm before you play this game with either the shops or the hardware maker. 3D board is required toplay this game. List of the supportiing 3D video cards: 3dfxVoodoo series nVidiaRIVA series ATI 3D RagePro ATI 3D Rage128 Intel740 S3Savege4Pro Matrox MilleniumG200 or MilleniumG40