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Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar DVDR KONTAKT (repost) | 6.48 Gb

Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar DVDR KONTAKT (repost) | 6.48 Gb Sensitive and powerful, the true sound of Gibson Les PaulTM Custom includes over 20 Giga-bytes, approx. 60,000 samples.

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قديم 19-09-11, 02:21 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: May 2009
العضوية: 145702
المشاركات: 7
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: dududj عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Newsuae2 Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar DVDR KONTAKT (repost) | 6.48 Gb


Prominy Electric Clean Guitar DVDR

Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar DVDR KONTAKT (repost) | 6.48 Gb

Sensitive and powerful, the true sound of Gibson Les PaulTM Custom includes over 20 Giga-bytes, approx. 60,000 samples. Gibson's Les Paul Custom is the most supported and loved Electric Guitar in the world. Its loved by so many professional guitarists spanning generations and genres. Over three months, we recorded the sounds of this excellent Electric Guitar played by a top guitarist using the latest Digidesign ProTools HD system.

- A huge number of recorded playing styles that no one has captured before.
- Over 20 Giga-bytes, 60000 samples recorded from an instrument
- You are able to create the most natural sounding Guitar tracks that sound like they've been recorded by a live guitarist in a world class studio.

The world's most powerful and largest library of a single instrument includes:
Perfect sampled sounds of all fret positions on every string. Single note, 5th chord, 4th chord, octave, vibrato, single bend, unison bend, stationay bend, double bend, legato slide, pinch harmonic, various chords, picking noises, etc. A huge number of sampled legato slide techniques. From Seminole (1 fret) to 1 octave (12 frets), multiple tempos and velocity options for every single note, 5th-dyad chord, 4th-dyad chord, and octave playing styles.


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Prominy Electric Clean Guitar DVDR



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(repost), 6.48, clean, dvdr, electric, guitar, kontakt, prominy

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