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لوبات 2011 Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground Tech House Vol. 2#

Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground Tech House Vol. 2 Multiformat | 1.23 GB Loopmasters are very proud to present the second sample volume from the hugely respected studio of Jamie

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قديم 17-09-11, 03:41 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: May 2009
العضوية: 145702
المشاركات: 7
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: dududj عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



dududj غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Newsuae2 لوبات 2011 Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground Tech House Vol. 2#


2011 Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground

Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground Tech House Vol. 2 Multiformat | 1.23 GB

Loopmasters are very proud to present the second sample volume from the hugely respected studio of Jamie Anderson, who has created a unique and inspirational collection of royalty free Tech House samples for producers worldwide.

Jamie Anderson is one of Dance Music's most versatile and enduring forces. He has established himself as a formidable talent within the scene, not only through his genre spanning productions, but also from his exceptionally high quality and universally acclaimed DJ sets. His performances at Panarama Bar, Love Parade and Cocoon are the things of legend. Anderson's own Artform label has been championed by the likes of Richie Hawtin, Dave Angel, DJ Sneak and Laurent Garnier.

With this edition the main instruments Jamie has focused on include the Roland TR-909, Nord Lead and Roland JD800. These have been routed through a Mackie 8-Bus mixing desk and Joe Meek VC2.2 Optical Compressor before digitally recording at 24bit WAV. The synthesizers were recorded through the desk and VC2.2, with each patch created and processed individually. Both the raw recordings for additional manipulation and effected variations are available. The drum loops have been locked down directly onto the TR-909, retaining the original groove and sound of the machine. These have then been mixed, equalized, compressed and panned using hardware before also recording their separate loop elements. Each individual drum sound has been processed and recorded on hardware with multiple variations and flavours. Along with Vol 1 of this series you now have all the raw elements of Tech-House music, and by using these sounds and loops you can take your own productions to the next level.

Within this exclusive Underground Tech House sample collection producers can expect to find over 1.6GB of 24Bit Samples, including over 450 samples, 254 Loops and 197 Single Samples. You also get 67 ready to play patches for Reason NNXt, Halion, Kontakt, EXS and SFZ compatible samplers!

In detail you will find 54 Tech House Drum Loops, 7 Kick Only Loops, 98 Separated Drum Loops, 7 Rimshot Groove Loops, 3 Rim Warp Loops, 24 Deep Bass Loops, 61 Inspirational Synth Loops, 100+ Single Drum Samples, 18 One Shot Bass Tones, 14 FX Samples, 6 FX Cymbals, plus 38 One Shot Synths.

All in all this is one of the finest collections we have ever released and if you make Tech House, Techno, Minimal, Tribal, or other forms of Dance music, this one has to be part of your collection.


24Bit Quality
54 Drum Loops
7 Kick Loops
24 Bass Loops
61 Synth Loops
121 Drum Hits
18 Bass Hits
14 Sfx
6 Fx Cymbals
38 Synth Hits
339 Rex 2 Loops
67 Soft Sampler Patches For Kontakt, Halion, Nnxt Exs24 and Sfz Formats.

Download lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws.part1.rar for free on Filesonic.com

Download lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws.part2.rar for free on Filesonic.com

Download lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws.part3.rar for free on Filesonic.com


lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws…rar (500,00 MB) - uploaded.to

lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws…rar (500,00 MB) - uploaded.to

lmjamauth2m-sas_avaxhome.ws…rar (263,28 MB) - uploaded.to

2011 Loopmasters Jamie Anderson Underground



عرض البوم صور dududj   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 17-09-11, 06:24 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
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عميد المنتدى

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



kamalmerhi غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : dududj المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي


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عرض البوم صور kamalmerhi   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17-09-11, 07:58 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3

التسجيل: May 2009
العضوية: 145702
المشاركات: 7
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: dududj عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



dududj غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : dududj المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي


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2011, anderson, لوبات, house, jamie, loopmasters, tech, underground, vol.

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