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James Patterson - Alex Cross Series

James Patterson - Alex Cross Series 01.Along Came a Spider He had always wanted to be famous. When he kidnapped two well-known rich kids

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قديم 05-05-11, 08:41 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
الادارة العامه

التسجيل: Mar 2005
العضوية: 11
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المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي James Patterson - Alex Cross Series

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

James Patterson - Alex Cross Series

01.Along Came a Spider

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

He had always wanted to be famous. When he kidnapped two well-known rich kids it was headline news. Then one of them was found - dead.

For such a high-profile case, they needed Alex Cross, a psychologist, and Jezzie Flanagan, a Secret Service agent - yet even they were

no match for the killer.

02.Kiss the Girls

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

As two serial killers terrorize different regions of America, the FBI begins to suspect that the two are competing with each other,

and Washington, D.C. police detective Alex Cross embarks on a personal quest to find the perpetrators.

03.Jack and Jill

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Back on home territory after the "Kiss the Girls" case, Alex Cross faces his most harrowing challenge yet: a pair of ice-cold killers

who are picking off the nation's rich and famous one by one with chilling professional efficiency.

04.Cat and Mouse

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Killer Gary Soneji is back, filled with hatred and gaining revenge on detective Alex Cross. Nothing, not even death itself, is going

to stand in his way.

05.Pop! Goes the Weasel

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross calls them the Jane Doe murders. Each body has been dumped, abandoned without clothes, without ID. There is no set pattern

to the killings and officially they are unconnected. But Alex knows that one man is responsible, a man who's living dangerously a new

enemy he's named Weasel.

06.Roses Are Red

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

The Mastermind is a deadly criminal who orchestrates a Series of bank robberies that are notable for their precise demands - and their

explosive violence when the demands are not met exactly. Detective Alex Cross takes on the case, promptly getting under The

Mastermind's skin, who makes it his personal goal to take revenge on Cross and his entire team. The team, which includes an attractive

FBI agent named Betsy Cavalierre, faces pressure on every front right up to the shocking and explosive climax. Patterson, author of

seven national bestsellers, is a past winner of the prestigious Edgar Award.

"Patterson keeps the pages turning all the way up to the jaw-dropping conclusion...this one is not to be missed." (Booklist)

07.Violets Are Blue

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Two joggers are found murdered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, and the killings are bizarrely reminiscent of a Washington, D.C.

case that Alex Cross has been unable to solve. He is called to San Francisco, and then learns of similar murders in eight cities from

Las Vegas to Charleston. Together with a female San Francisco detective, Cross plunges into a menacing world where posing explodes

into bloodlust and frenzy, even as he is being stalked by a terrifying criminal who calls himself the Mastermind.

08.Four Blind Mice

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross is preparing to resign from the Washington Police Force. He's enjoying the feeling, not least because the Mastermind, Kyle

Craig, is now in prison. And now, with Nana and the kids, he is talking about the future. Then Sampson shows up at the house needing

Alex's help more than ever

09.The Big Bad Wolf

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross' family is in terrible danger--at the same time that his new job with the FBI brings him the scariest case of his career. A

team of kidnappers has been snatching successful, upstanding men and women right before their families' eyes--possibly to sell them

into slavery. Alex's knowledge of the D.C. streets, together with his unique insights into criminal psychology, make this mindbending

case one that only he can solve--if he can just get his colleagues to set aside their staid and outdated methods. With unexpected

twists and whiplash surprises, this is another brilliantly irresistible novel from America's bestselling suspense writer.

10.London Bridges

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

A bomb goes off in a small town in the west of America and FBI agent Alex Cross is summoned in to help investigate. Calls from an

anonymous villain do little to explain the violence as reports come in of similar bombings across the globe.

11.Mary Mary

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross travels to Los Angeles to hunt for a killer more brutal and ambitious than he's ever encountered-- a woman who has it in

for Hollywood's hottest players.


James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross was a rising star in the Washington, DC, Police Department when an unknown shooter gunned down his wife, Maria, in front of

him. The killer was never found, and the case turned cold, filed among the unsolved drive-bys in D.C.'s rough neighborhoods. Years

later, still haunted by his wife's death, Cross is making a bold move in his life. Now a free agent from the police and the FBI, he's

set up practice as a psychologist once again. His life with Nana Mama, Damon, Jannie, and little Alex is finally getting in order. He

even has a chance at a new love. Then Cross's former partner, John Sampson, calls in a favor. He is tracking a serial rapist in

Georgetown, one whose brutal modus operandi recalls a case Sampson and Cross worked together years earlier. When the case reveals a

connection to Maria's death, Cross latches on for the most urgent and terrifying ride of his life. From the man USA TODAY has called

the "master of the genre," Cross is the high-velocity thriller James Patterson and Alex Cross's fans have waited years to read--and

the pinnacle of the bestselling detective Series of the past two decades.

13.Double Cross

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Just when Alex thought his life was calming down into a routine of patients and therapy sessions, he finds himself back in the game--

this time to catch a criminal mastermind like no other. A spate of elaborate murders in Washington D.C. have the whole East Coast on

edge. They are like nothing Alex Cross and his new girlfriend, Detective Brianna Stone, have ever seen. With each murder, the case

becomes increasingly complex. There's only one thing Alex knows: the killer adores an audience. As victims are made into gruesome

spectacles citywide, inducing a media hysteria, it becomes clear to Alex that the man he's after is a genius of terror--and he's after

fame. The killer has the whole city by its strings--and he'll stop at nothing to become the most terrifying star that Washington D.C.

has ever seen.

14.Cross Country

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

When the home of Alex Cross's oldest friend, Ellie Cox, is turned into the worst murder scene Alex has ever seen, the destruction

leads him to believe that he's chasing a horrible new breed of killer. As Alex and his girlfriend, Brianna Stone, become entangled in

the deadly Nigerian underworld of Washington D.C., what they discover is shocking: a stunningly organized gang of lethal teenagers

headed by a powerful, diabolical man--the African warlord known as the Tiger. Just when the detectives think they're closing in on the

elusive murderer, the Tiger disappears into thin air. Tracking him to Africa, Alex knows that he must follow. Alone.

15.Alex Cross's Trial

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

The year is 1906, and America is segregated. Hatred and discrimination plague the streets, the classroom, and the courts. But in

Washington D.C., Ben Corbett, a smart and courageous lawyer, makes it his mission to confront injustice at every turn. He represents

those who nobody else dares defend, merely because of the color of their skin. When President Roosevelt, under whom Ben served in the

Spanish-American war, asks Ben to investigate rumors of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in his home town in Mississippi, he cannot


The details of Ben's harrowing story--and his experiences with a remarkable man named Abraham Cross--were passed from generation to

generation, until they were finally recounted to Alex Cross by his grandmother, Nana Mama. From the first time hear heard the story,

Alex was unable to forget the unimaginable events Ben witnessed in Eudora and pledged to tell it to the world. Alex Cross's Trial is

unlike any story Patterson has ever told, but offers the astounding action and breakneck speed of any Alex Cross novel.

16.I, Alex Cross

James Patterson Alex Cross Series

Alex Cross's niece is found brutally murdered. Overcome with grief, Alex vows to take down her killer before he strikes again. But

shortly after he begins the investigation, Alex discovers that his niece had gotten mixed up with some very important, very dangerous

people. And she's not the only one who has disappeared.

The hunt for the murderer leads Alex and his girlfriend, Detective Brianna Stone, to Washington's most infamous club--a place where

every fantasy is possible, if you have the credentials to get in. The killer could be one of their patrons, one of Washington's elite

who will do anything to keep their secrets buried.

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James Patterson Alex Cross Series

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