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لعبة الاكشن والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers 2: Reboot -SKIDROW ...

Space Rangers 2: Reboot -SKIDROW "Space Rangers 2: Dominatory. Reboot - addition to the famous game of" Space Rangers 2: Dominatory. 3300. Our galaxy has undergone

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قديم 24-02-11, 08:16 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jul 2010
العضوية: 176080
المشاركات: 34
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: Nicemoody عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



Nicemoody غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي لعبة الاكشن والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers 2: Reboot -SKIDROW ...


والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers Reboot

Space Rangers 2: Reboot -SKIDROW

والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers Reboot

والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers Reboot

"Space Rangers 2: Dominatory. Reboot - addition to the famous game of" Space Rangers 2: Dominatory. 3300. Our galaxy has undergone invasion dominatorov - combat robots, left out of control. The coalition of five races - Maloqs, Bearings, people Faeyans and Gaalians - relies on Space Rangers to destroy dominatorov.

Now you Ranger. Choose your race, get a ship going to the road. Fight in Space and hyperspace. Engage in trade. Undertake government job. Free the planet from dominatorov. And, of course, solve quests text, each of which is a separate adventure.

As the events will develop - it is impossible to predict. The game may end up winning any party, or last indefinitely. It all depends on the player's actions and the inhabitants of the natural world, where you can make a career as a pirate or a heinous celebrated hero who deal in the causes of the emergence dominatorov and be able to stop this bloody war.

* 20 new text quests
* 27 new maps for planetary battles
* New government jobs
* New equipment and unique body, including three super-ship
* New game modes: steady flow of all text quests and planetary battles
* Advanced interface hold and information center
* 10 new maps to battle in the hyper-space

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والاثاره الرائعه Space Rangers Reboot

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