كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Moonlightshadow |
هل قصدك البطله الى تحاول تنط من الشباك عشان تهرب من البطل
اذا هيا معناتة الروايه لكارول مورتايمر
Andreas had every reason to hate her!
Regan's father had run off with the wife of Andreas Vatis, and Andreas wasn't the kind of man to take that lightly. He wanted revenge; and now that her
father was dead, Regan was the only one who could appease Andreas's wounded Greek pride.
"I want what your father deprived me of, " he told her insolently. "A wife... and the sons I need to inherit the Vatis empire."
Regan knew how much he despised her, and she would never willingly give him what he so ruthlessly demanded!
شكرا ياعسل.. عارفة لما الواحد يحك مخه يدور الاجابة(حسيت اني قربت اتجنن)
غلى العموم مشكورة ولك منى احلى تحية
الله يسعدك ^__^