أقتنى نسخه لك من هذا البرنامج فهو له لهميه كبيره جدا فى عالم الفيدو الصوت
كلمة روعه فى حق هذا البرنامج قليله هذا البرنامج اللى بيشتغل تقريبا كل ما يخطر
ببالك فهو يغنيك عن برنامج الريل بلير والويندوز ميدى بلير
برنامج لتشغيل افلام الدى ى دى(dvd)وتقدر تتحكم بالتقريب والتبعيد للفلم زى ما
تحب وهذه هى النسخه الاحترافيه من البرنامج متوافق مع جميع إصدارات الويندوز
Player tries to both simplify the playback experience
for the common user, while giving the Power Users
all the tools and interfaces they may require to manipulate
their playback environment to their exact specification.
To that end,
Zoom Player employs a slick and simple
user interface, combined with easy to access features
while at the same time providing advanced control
dialogs over every feature imaginable.
Zoom Player was
designed from the ground up to load quick, take as little
system resources as possible, provide user
feedback/direction as appropriate and maintain as much
isolation from other applications and system
components as not to undermine overall stability