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Loops loops

Sangit Om Guitar Grooves vol.1 - Acoustic

اخوتي الكرام اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل اقدم لكم مكتبة غيتار اكوستيك رائعه بصيغة AKAI ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم Sangit Om Guitar Grooves vol.1 - Acoustic Sangit OM is proud to

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قديم 11-12-10, 07:50 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
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المنتدى : Loops
Newsuae2 Sangit Om Guitar Grooves vol.1 - Acoustic


Sangit Guitar Grooves vol.1 Acoustic

اخوتي الكرام
اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل
اقدم لكم مكتبة غيتار اكوستيك رائعه
بصيغة AKAI
ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم
Sangit Om Guitar Grooves vol.1 - Acoustic

Sangit Guitar Grooves vol.1 Acoustic

Sangit OM is proud to introduce you new sensational product for AKAI and compatible sampler-devices. Guitar Grooves Accoustic Guitars. With the Guitar Grooves CD-ROM u can create absolute realistic Guitar backings in no time. The CD contain rhythm's and natural guitarloops played by top guitarists. Puted together they sound like a real Guitar backing. The structure of the CD is very simple. 60 samples are spreaded over a 5-octave-keyboard so that u can trigger them in your sequencer in any combination u want. That way all common chords are playable. Each Program have its own tempo and style. The tempo is graduated in 11 steps from 60 to 165 bpm. + there are programs with multisamples, single chords and more...

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