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برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx Mac osx, نظام ماك

SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi DVD PC&MAC

اخوتي الكرام اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل اقدم لكم اليوم برنامج عمل السامبلر مع كل الخصائص اللازمه البرنامج هو SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi DVD PC&MAC SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler

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قديم 28-11-10, 08:58 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو فخري
عميد المنتدى

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



kamalmerhi غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx
Jded SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi DVD PC&MAC


SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi

اخوتي الكرام
اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل
اقدم لكم اليوم برنامج عمل السامبلر
مع كل الخصائص اللازمه
البرنامج هو
SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi DVD PC&MAC

SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi

SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi

SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi DVD PC&MAC 2.5GB

Sampla is a professional Hip Hop production solution for those of you eager to make your mark on the world. Whether you’re ripping from vinyl, importing loops, building your own badass drums, or simply jamming on one of over 200 included instruments, Sampla’s got you covered. Like a sharp and shiny Swiss army knife glistening seductively in your production toolbox, Sampla can carve up anything you can dream of. So dream big.

Whether you're a novice or a certified tweak head, Sampla's intuitive interface and feature set puts you in control without having to leave your creative headspace. Full featured waveform editing, auto and manual slicing of samples, auto and manual keymapping, per-sample synth editing and loads more. We even give you a turbo-charged pattern generator, like an arpeggiator that lets you choose your own notes. Best of all, Sampla’s powerful features are easy to find and right under your fingertips. Staying creative has never been so easy.

Go Sample the World:

Rip vinyl, record your own heartbeat, import a loop, or sample the sounds of oncoming traffic; Sampla makes sampling easy. Throw some samples on a pad, flip on the assignable pattern arpeggiator and let it rip. Need more flavor? Sampa’s got a perfect graphic EQ, tempo-sync delay, chorus, and a full featured synth editor including LFO’s, envelopes, 10 different per-voice filters and more. Sampla gives you what you need to make your songs stand out of the pack and get heard.

These days no gear lives by itself. Working with any MPC, pad controller or MIDI keyboard is critical for your working style. Sampla interfaces perfectly with any gear in your studio. Learn Mode lets you use any keyboard or MPC to play Sampla’s sounds. Map Mode lets you create custom keyboard and pad layouts. Even recording is easy. You can record from your existing audio interface or import acid, wav, broadcast wav, aiff, and even MP3 samples (including over 1000 factory samples) direct from disc.

So what are we saying here? If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, how do you know it fell? Because Sampla captured it, sliced it up and served it to you on a silver platter! Got it! Get Sampla and get recording man!

Factory Sound Bank:

Sure, Sampla lets you record and build your own instruments and banks from scratch with your own samples, but it also comes with over 250 high end instrument presets and pad layouts. Acoustic and electronic drumkits, basses, keyboards, leads, guitars, strings, pads, vocals and more. But we didn’t stop there. We also added in some righteous symphonic construction kits, scensorship bleeps and blips, and a pile of loops from the SONiVOX LoopLine series. It’s a serious collection of instruments and sounds. But if you still want more, check out SONiVOX’ other two products in the Hip Hop line, Playa and Aggro Electro Boom. The combination of these products is simply ridiculous.

Sampla’s Features at a Glance

MPC style editing & slicing for easy instrument & beat creation

Imports Wav, Acid, Broadcast Wav, Aiff, & MP3 Format Files

Actually Records Samples, thats right finally a soft Sampler that actually samples.....

Over 250 factory preset instruments and pad layouts

16 user assignable pads

Tempo Sync Stereo Delay, EQ, and Chorus Effects

Assignable filter section with 10 filter types

Graphic waveform display with zoom functionality

Midi Learn & Save functionality, Sampla is instantly compatible with any MIDI keyboard or pad control

Pad-Specific Variable Resolution Note Repeat and Pattern Mode

Does tons of other amazing stuff..... (won't make you coffee though)

If you use Sampla for professional use, try and buy it - $149

SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi
SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi


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SONiVOX Sampla HipHop Sampler VSTi



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عرض البوم صور kamalmerhi   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 12-12-10, 12:45 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
الادارة العامه

التسجيل: Mar 2005
العضوية: 11
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نقاط التقييم: 4222



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كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx

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